Soul Voice® Teachers Worldwide

The Authorised/Accredited Teachers are skilful and dynamic professional individuals, who support the Soul Voice® vision, based on Karina’s teaching. They each offer their individual flavour & personality into their own compelling teaching.

The Authorised Teachers are certified Soul Voice® Practitioners, who have either completed the 5 modules of TTP. The Teacher Training Program, over a period of 3 years or are in the training right now. Authorised teachers are in the process of completing documentation of their workshops to become accredited.

Accredited Teachers have successfully completed documentation of their 2 days Soul Voice® workshop, however others have reached full accreditation which includes the 5 days Advanced Sound Initiation.

Requirements to become accredited are:
Documenting x2 or more of each Introductory Workshop (2 & 5 days) including completing personalised powerwork, as part of Karina’s coaching. It is also required that they have assisted in at least one of the 5 levels of PCP.

To keep practicing as an Authorised/Accredited Soul Voice® Teacher an annual membership and update is required.

The Netherlands

Angelike Valster

The Netherlands

Languages: Dutch, English, German

Accredited Soul Voice® teacher in the 2 day introductory workshop.
Authorised Soul Voice® teacher in the 5 day Advanced Sound Initiation workshop.

Je stem is het instrument voor (zelf)bevrijding, heling en verbinding met de essentie van je Ziel. Verken het onontdekte in jezelf dat ernaar verlangt gehoord en gezien te worden. De Soul Voice® methode gaf mij de structuur en diepgang waar ik je graag in uitnodig. Om je stem op deze manier te gebruiken, helpt je om uit je hoofd, in je lichaam te komen. Van denken naar voelen en dan weer in contact te komen met je ware wijsheid. Om te leven vanuit je hart. Om vertrouwen te vinden en van jezelf te houden om wie je werkelijk bent – creatief en vrij. Mijn stem en adem zijn mijn anker, mijn medicijn en mijn verbinding met de Bron. Ik ontdekte dat het bevrijden van mijn stem en adem mij persoonlijke vrijheid gaf. Door me te verbinden met mijn stem leerde ik diep te luisteren, en mezelf te leren kennen. Mijn stem is mijn medicijn geworden voor persoonlijke ontwikkeling – van onderdrukking tot creativiteit en authenticiteit. Dus nu nodig ik je uit om deze reis met mij te maken. Ik zal een veilige ruimte creëren waar je diep kunt duiken en je stem kunt bevrijden, je talenten, dromen en passie kunt vrijmaken om te transformeren wat je tegenhoudt! Ik ben zo blij en verheugd om de Soul Voice® workshops te faciliteren!

Anke de Jong

The Netherlands

Languages: Dutch, Frisian and English

Accredited Soul Voice® teacher in the 2 day introductory workshop.
Accredited Soul Voice® teacher in the 5 day Advanced Sound Initiation workshop.

Vind je weg door jezelf beter te leren kennen, waardoor je dagelijkse uitdagingen, in je werk/privé, aan kunt, met plezier. Leven is durven voelen! Dat is een van de dingen die ik heb geleerd in mijn Soul Voice® opleiding. Stemklank laat je voelen. En soms is dat best spannend. Maar juist wat spannend is, verbergt onaangesproken kwaliteiten, inzichten en levensenergie. Durf jij het aan? Voor mij was deelname aan de Soul Voice® 2-daagse en 5-daagse een ommekeer in mijn leven. Van gericht zijn op de buitenwereld, naar de verbinding maken met mijzelf, mijn eigen gronding, mijn eigen kompas en intuïtie. Alles kwam voor mij samen in de klanken die mij als vanzelf meenamen naar gebieden die ik nog niet kende van mijzelf. Het heeft mijn leven verrijkt. Na elke workshop ben ik weer dankbaar voor de kracht en de magie die besloten ligt in de zorgvuldig opgebouwde workshop en de stemklank-frequenties die je meenemen naar je verlangen. Om daar jezelf te ontmoeten en de liefde voor jezelf te vergroten. Voor mij is zorgvuldigheid en een veilige container de basis van waaruit ik met compassie en speelsheid graag een stukje met je meeloop op je pad. Tot ziens!

Leonieke Niessen

Nijmegen, Netherlands

Authorised Soul Voice® teacher in the 2 day introductory workshop.

Onze eigen adem en stem zijn de krachtigste instrumenten om (opnieuw) in contact te komen met onze diepste essentie en waarheid. Het Soul Voice® werk heeft mij geholpen om alles te ontrafelen wat mij ervan weerhield om mijn leven en passies op de best mogelijke manier te leven, vol vertrouwen en vreugde! Als we echt luisteren en onszelf volledig uitdrukken komen we in contact met onze innerlijke wijsheid om ons ware potentieel en talenten te leven. Ik voel me vereerd dat ik dit grote geschenk met jou kan delen, om JOUW unieke stem te vinden en de magie te laten gebeuren…


Alora Waldron

Gold Coast, QLD

Authorised Soul Voice® teacher in the 2 day introductory workshop.

The Soul Voice® Method restored a deep connection to my roots & opened me up to greater intuitive wisdom & guidance. It is a joy & privilege to share this method with the world and to create a relaxed, playful, yet sacred safe space for you to dive into the depths of inner wisdom that wait in your unique healing sounds. Discovering the power of your voice is an intuitive guide to living with greater peace & happiness with our loved ones & precious Mother Earth.

Melissa McCormack

Northern Rivers, NSW

Accredited Soul Voice® teacher in the 2 day introductory workshop.
Authorised Soul Voice® teacher in the 5 day Advanced Sound Initiation workshop.

When first hearing Karina’s shamanic tones back in 2005, l knew I had found my calling! Soul Voice® is the real deal. Our voice is the most effective instrument for self-healing because, when trained, it allows us to find & match the exact sound frequency needed for us as individuals in any given moment. It is organic, flexible & always evolving as we are. We use our voice to get to the source of our stress, disease, disharmony, etc and from there, release it! We learn to fine tune our voice & recreate ourselves as pure vessels for sound healing. I have participated in, organised & assisted Karina at numerous Soul Voice® workshops and trained in many other modalities over the last 2 decades. I have over 20 years’ experience working with clients & groups to facilitate healing & transformation. I invite you to join me at a Soul Voice® workshop to reconnect with & strengthen your inner wisdom, voice medicine & healing power with groundedness & authenticity. You will feel supported & safe as you explore the power of your voice and come to BE from a Soul level. LIVE the magical being that you truly are with Soul Voice®!

New Zealand

Aurora Frances

New Zealand

Authorised Soul Voice® teacher in the 2 day introductory workshop.

Lift the veil of what you think is possible! Surrender and let go into the abyss of your creative sounds. Become a living breathing original Masterpiece. Learn to listen deeply and receive all of yourself in liberation, compassion, euphoria and love. Discover your innate healing abilities & lift the veil from your perception of what you think is possible as you explore the world beyond your words. It is an honour for me to hold the sacred space and guide the collective group energy into profound healing using powerful Soul Voice® exercises and techniques. Join me in a workshop … a reverent journey awaits you!


Adelgunde Müller


German, Italian & English.

Accredited Soul Voice® teacher in the 2 day introductory workshop.
Authorised Soul Voice® teacher in the 5 day Advanced Sound Initiation workshop.

Using the incredible transformational power of our own voice, we make the difference in our world, the shift humanity needs now more than ever. We can change our old paradigms and raise global consciousness. Each individual carries the key for the realization of that vision in their throat. The impact of our modern ways have become unsustainable. For me, it is an insistent call to bring radical transformation into the world, on an individual basis because each of us is carrying a light that needs to be expressed and manifested. I love the image of the wave that has forgotten that it is the ocean: we are so identified with our thoughts, conditionings and habits that we are not aware of the vastness of our consciousness; we are confined to the limits of our mind, while, in reality, we are a source of infinite possibilities that we can create at any time. Our voice is the blueprint of who we really are; it gives us the access to the infinite sky within. I will guide you to discover the incredible power of your own voice; it is the beginning of the amazing journey home to yourself.

Gianluca Franchini

Cesenatico, Italy

Accredited Soul Voice® teacher in the 2 day introductory workshop.
Authorised Soul Voice® teacher in the 5 day Advanced Sound Initiation workshop.

Through our Voice we can free everything that blocks us, not allowing us to feel good and be free. Through this extraordinary method, I can help you regain contact with your authentic voice and teach you to release it, so that you can expand and make your life easier and more exciting. During the Soul Voice® seminars, you will feel how powerful your authentic Voice is and what an extraordinary healing tool it can be for your health and your life. You will listen to your emotions, express them & free them with your voice. Even those repressed, those that are not allowed to be heard. Through this process you let go of Tension, Stress, Fear, Emotional Blocks and freely express yourself. The VOICE is a wonderful and very powerful tool, which allows you to be completely FREE. If you allow yourself to make a powerful and adventurous journey within the true essence of your VOICE, you explore all its potential and colours, bringing within you a sense of peace & joy, combined with a profound growth & personal and spiritual transformation. I hold Soul Voice® workshops, group personal growth seminars, individual sessions & meditations aimed at wellbeing, development & full realization of the person.

Maria Cristina Franzoni


Workshops in English & Italian.

Accredited Soul Voice® teacher in the 2 day introductory workshop.
Accredited Soul Voice® teacher in the 5 day Advanced Sound Initiation workshop.

I feel an immense pleasure when diving in my students sounds released in the space around. Every sound is different and at the same time every one of them speaks the same language bringing to everyone consciousness, wisdom, strength and openings for new possibilities. My role of launch and testimony of the conscious evolutionary movements expressed by the whole group but manifested in everyone in its own specific, personal way, fill me with pride. I am proud of this because I know that it is exactly this, that makes every life a special life, fully lived in its inner sense. When we give back to the voice its own power of leadership and as a tool of manifestation of being, we agree to occupy the place we have in the world by birthright, so honouring Life. I have facilitated 2 day and 5 day Soul Voice® workshops all over Italy for many years. I regularly organize courses in Sicily, Milan and in Florence. With care, devote attention and respect, I contain, support and accompany the energies moving in the group so that they can bring to maturation their fruits enlightening new lives happier.

Paola Riccobon

Forli, Italy

Accredited Soul Voice® teacher in the 2 day introductory workshop.
Authorised Soul Voice® teacher in the 5 day Advanced Sound Initiation workshop.

Our voice is a continuous emanation of who we are and contains all the parts that constitute our being. It allows us to go back to our centre and to our oneness. I have been working for over thirty years as a body therapist with different energy-based healing methods and now I am using my voice. Through Soul Voice® workshops I will be happy to take you along this wonderful path of further knowledge of yourself and of your whole expression. For me too this is a continuous and extraordinary discovery as well as a healing path. Our voice can connect with all the parts of our being (including those that we do not know!) Our voice is also an access KEY to our greater being, to our soul! Using your voice is EASY! Voice is a physical instrument, but like a magic thread that reconnects and links us with those parts of us that are not so “physical”; our energy body, our emotional and spiritual dimensions. We go back to being in the right place at the right moment, in Divine Timing. It is a path I am following for my freedom, my joy and realization. I hope it will be the same for you!

Salvatore Belfiore


Authorised Soul Voice® teacher in the 2 day introductory workshop.

When we are really able to listen to ourselves & give space to our inner voice, everything changes. We can see/feel/touch/smell things for the first time & not judge or compare them other things without Love. When we give sound without fear to all the Truths waiting to be expressed through our voice, we give permission to our authentic inner Divine Being to manifest itself on Earth, in our lives and we became positively contagious! When we express with confidence all our Inner Voice has to say, we can remember Who/What we really are. Nothing will be as before… The Soul Voice® Method is not about the artistic/artificial use of the voice. I’ll simply guide you to LISTEN at yourself and to simply and gently allow your mystical, magical and multidimensional voice to come out of you. Could it be so simple? Yes. You have only to trust in your own uniqueness and in your own sacred vulnerability. With the Soul Voice® method, you will become aware of all this human-divine possibility to dive deeper in the real essence of yourself… you don’t need instruments, computer devices or microphones. In all the multidimensional frequencies of your voice, you have already, all that you need.

Viria Romagnoli

Forli, Italy

Accredited Soul Voice® teacher in the 2 day introductory workshop.
Authorised Soul Voice® teacher in the 5 day Advanced Sound Initiation workshop.

When there is something that changes your life, bringing you to levels of wellbeing never experienced before, you naturally look forward to letting everybody know about it. With the same enthusiasm I wish to let you experience this life changing method with me. It is about diving into emotions, which you are unaware most of the time, and giving them a voice, your voice, finally. It is about discovering the wisdom of the sounds of the human voice which can guide you through the darkest night and let you always find the way home, because when you sound your truest emotions you are always home within yourself. It is about allowing yourself to give voice not only to your joy, but also to your natural ecstasy because you deserve to be yourself in all your utmost expressions. I can help you discover the potentials of your voice unveiling your inner wisdom and I do so with passion, joyousness and gratitude because it is for me a privilege when you allow me to take you by hand, like friends who share the same path for a while.


Marieke Lzicar-Visser


Accredited Soul Voice® teacher in the 2 day introductory workshop.
Authorised Soul Voice® teacher in the 5 day Advanced Sound Initiation workshop.

When I open my mouth and sounds come out, I feel free! The Soul Voice® method taught me to be who I really am. I learned to listen to my voice, my inner wisdom and learned about my inner authority. It changed my life and transformed it in so many positives ways I could not imagine before! I would love to invite you to start living your life fully with your magical voice and reconnect with all you possibilities! Our body is like a library that stores every experience. Positive memories give us strength but negative costs us energy. Our Voice can travel through our body as a highly advanced system and release and transform every thing that is blocked. It is through our voice that we can feel fully alive again. With the healing possibilities of our voice we can not only heal ourselves but also our surroundings, all the elements. After a long journey of working like a psychologist, therapist, mediator, I came in contact with the Soul Voice® method and everything fell into place. With my voice I go in a split second, without any words, direct to the core! I invite you all to visit one of the beautiful workshops.