Certified Soul Voice® - Practitioners worldwide



Alora Waldron – Gold Coast, QLD

My passion is working with you to co-create a sacred space that facilitates transformational healing, connecting you with your soul’s true essence & inner wisdom. These sessions are profoundly effective in restoring love, confidence, inspiration & self-expression. By allowing you to elegantly clear barriers, blocks & any negative programming limiting your whole potential from being realized, you naturally come into balance & harmony. Create loving healthy relationships that flourish & express beauty & joy with each other & the world.

Phone: +61 (0) 414 808 052

Email: alora@me.com


Barbara Rae Graham – Sydney, NSW

Sound has been my teacher for 25 years & Soul Voice® took my work to a new level with sound medicine techniques. Learn to recover the embodied resonance & fullness of your precious voice and journey the deep landscapes of your soul. With the principle that all sounds are welcomed with compassion, allow what arises to express, transition & flow in celebratory song. Be an energy mover & shaker, re-weaver of opposites, joy generator, peace maker & sacred activist in sound.

Phone: +61 0404 098 735

Email: barbararae@me.com


Cindy Wessling – Northern NSW

We are here on this exquisitely expressive planet, in uniquely expressive forms, to experience the love & infinite possibility that we are! Often that isn’t our experience, we lose contact with who we really are. Sounding is the medicine that enables me to clear through the confusion of limiting beliefs, allowing me to re-align with truth and guidance. I would be honoured to hold a safe, supportive space for you as you discover the empowering instrument that is within you!

Phone: +61 0410 147 731


Dorianne Daniels – Hobart, Tasmania

The voice holds the key to activate your full potential as a human being. I will support you as you awaken to the magnitude of who you are. The world needs your authentic spark and truth that is unique to you. I support you to, step by step release outdated and soul limiting programming on a cellular level. I will guide you at a pace that is attuned to your optimal rhythm for the highest healing for yourself and the planet.

Email: mukulusong.com

Phone: +61 0410 231 183

Website: www.mukulusong.com


Elizabeth Salna – Adelaide, South Australia
Soul Voice® has allowed me to develop a stronger, clearer & more confident voice in daily life. I integrate sounding into my practice as a Clinical Psychologist, especially for grounding & clearing body held trauma. I invite you to join with me in the dynamic experience of a sound healing session. Deepen your connection to your heart, increase your capacity to listen to the guidance of your soul & embody this enduring wisdom in your own unique voice.

Phone: +61 (0) 411554295
Email: salna@adam.com.au


Kathryn Santospirito – Adelaide, South Australia

A Soul Voice® session is an unpredictable adventure into your Self, your sounds and your body’s innate wisdom. Can you imagine what treasures and potential you might discover on your unique adventure? Go for it! I would be honoured and excited to accompany you there.

Phone: +61 0417 710 577
Email: katspirit13@hotmail.com


Melissa McCormack – New South Wales


Sessions in person or online.

You have an amazing & unique healing power within you that longs to be released. Your voice is the most powerful instrument for your healing. It’s flexible, organic & can be ‘trained’ to access any frequency needed for your highest healing intention. I will help you discover how your magical voice can move & shake & shift all the ‘rubbish’ you’ve taken on without even realising. What’s keeping you from living your best, most blissful life? Your voice will tell you!

Phone: +61 414918142
Email: sacred.sounder@gmail.com

Web: www.melissamccormack.com.au

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/embodiedalchemy/




Ruth Danziger – Toronto, Canada

Come into full intimacy with yourself through your voice, using somatic, emotional & spiritual practices designed to help you re-integrate all parts of yourself, including those that have been lost, suppressed or disembodied. As you expand into a full range of soundscapes, your whole Voice, your birthright, becomes available to you in life. Deeply encouraging, grounding, enlivening work. Healing sessions available, calling on the power and subtlety of sound vibration to re-create flow in the body and mind.

Phone: 416-388-1734
Email: rdanziger@ca.inter.net


Wendelin Bartley– Toronto, Canada

Through the Soul Voice® method, I will guide you in the awakening of your authentic voice as you unlock your creative essence with an exquisite tapestry of sounds. An awakened voice will support you in reaching your highest creative potential and gives you the valuable tools to create energetic shifts in your own life and in the healing of the world.

Phone: 1-416-656-4507
E-mail: wbartley@interlog.com
Web: www.awakeningyourvoice.com/




Carol Jean Patterson –  Oakland, California, USA

Join me in active and/or passive Soul Voice® sessions to move through the blockages to access your inner joy and power. Receive intuitive voice soundings & emotional release to develop your authentic voice and engage your soul. Sessions can be conducted via Skype or face-to-face in the San Francisco Bay Area. Please contact me to explore how you can participate in a Soul Voice® session.

Phone: 1-510-384-4460
E-mail: Eostre@swansway.com




Anne Marie Hynes – Ireland

I look forward to helping you accept yourself exactly as you are in this exact moment, guiding you to discover the root of your issues and healing them together; using sound vibrations and inner positivity. I will support you as you dive in and allow yourself to be truly free, authentically expressing your own inner sounds. Through the Soul Voice® method you can learn to Love Yourself. You Are Divine.

Phone: (00353) 87 7629121
Email: anniehynes@gmail.com


New Zealand


Jeanette Adams – Nelson, South IslandThe passion of our life calling and true selves is often hidden by layers of life experience. Soul Voice® is life changing and, through sessions, we can release pain & trauma, enabling us to interact more deeply with life and our life choices. Using the voice supports us to discover joy and fulfilment & enrich our life with the discovery of our authentic selves. Join me on a journey of healing and self-discovery in a safe & fun environment.

Mobile: +64 (0) 21 024 08018
Email: jeanettesoundz@gmail.com


Debi Lloyd – Wellington, North Island

Discover how to express your truth beyond words… creating your own unique symphony of sound. Together we can transform your world into one of awe & magic! You will liberate your healing powers and reconnect with your divine sacred resonance. Let go of those old stories that do not serve your highest aspirations and allow your magnificence to shine. Through understanding, compassionate and supportive guidance, we will re-ignite the passion for your life’s yearning and feel truly alive.

Mobile: +64 21 380081
Email: debi@esse.co.nz

Instagram: soulgardenuniverse




Priscilla ‘Sapphira’ Silcock – London, UK

Soul Voice® is an integral part of how I manage my busy life & stay grounded. As a performer, dance teacher, burlesque entrepreneur, author, mindfulness & business coach, I love that I learned to use my voice to release my deepest fears and to also express my joy & ecstasy without inhibition. I will bring the same level of peace & trust to your Soul Voice® session. This method changes lives and I would love to help you change yours!


Email: priscilla@sapphiramusic.com

Phone: +44 07542 201 308

Website: www.sapphiramusic.com/soul-voice




Kathleen Kirmer – London, UK
Languages: German, English
Come with me on a journey where we together explore the incredible transforming and deeply healing qualities of our voices & vocal sounds. I offer you a safe and open hearted space where you can find your way back home to your true self. I support you to release what holds you back from living your potential and true health. You will learn to express and embrace your truth, your power and your beautiful divine self.

Phone: + 44 772 400 8425
Email: info@wisdom-of-voice.co.uk
Web: www.wisdom-of-voice.co.uk


Danish Practitioners



Judy Yodit Solomon – Denmark, Copenhagen
A traumatic childhood and lack of self-love, is what brought me here. The Soul Voice® method gave me tools to overcome fear of self-expression, of setting clear boundaries, tools for healing and forgiving my past to finally reconnect with my voice and discover my powerful healing instrument. My mission is to help women reconnect with their passion and life purpose. I offer support to cultivate self-worth, gain clarity and help create freedom & balance in their private and professional life.
Phone: +45 26663338
Email: judy@solomonsoundhealing.com
Web: www.solomonsoundhealing.com


Danish translation


Judy Yodit Solomon – Danmark, København

En traumatisk barndom og mangel på egenkærlighed er det, der bragte mig her. Soul Voice®-metoden gav mig værktøjer til at overvinde frygt for selvudfoldelse, for at sætte klare grænser, værktøjer til helbredelse og tilgive min fortid til endelig at genoprette forbindelse til min stemme og opdage mit kraftfulde helbredende instrument. Min mission er at hjælpe kvinder med at genoprette forbindelse til deres lidenskab og livsformål. Jeg tilbyder støtte til at dyrke selvværd, få klarhed og hjælpe med at skabe frihed og balance i deres private og professionelle liv.

Telefon: +45 26663338

E-mail: judy@solomonsoundhealing.com

Web: www.solomonsoundhealing.com


Lise Rydstrom – Denmark

You were born with a beautiful voice. Use it! Learn to express your innermost feelings and transform your pain into love and light, clarity and inner peace! As a Certified Soul Voice Practitioner, I will gladly guide you on your magic and powerful Soul Voice® Journey!

Phone: +45 23481587

Email: lise@liserydstroem.dk

Website: liserydstroem.dk


Danish translation

Lise Rydstrom – Danmark

Du blev født med en smuk stemme. Brug det! Lær at udtrykke dine inderste følelser og omdanne din smerte til kærlighed og lys, klarhed og indre fred! Som certificeret Soul Voice Practitioner vil jeg gerne guide dig på din magiske og magtfulde Soul Voice®-rejse!

Telefon: +45 23481587

E-mail: lise@liserydstroem.dk


Ulla Maglekilde Jerrebo – Vordingborg, Denmark

My personal life has been finding peace within, to stop blaming and to move through obstacles of negative feelings by using my focused intension to let my voice guide me. My highest purpose is to guide clients to find their inner peace, by working through any obstacle that holds them back as a victim of their thoughts or life circumstances. The body and thoughts guide us to use the voice as our navigation system. Only online sessions in both English & Danish.  

Email: maglekilde@nyraad.net

Website: www.maglekilde.com

Facebook: com/maglekilde

Phone: 45-20946993


Danish translation


Ulla Maglekilde Jerrebo – Vordingborg, Denmark

Mit personlige liv har været at finde fred indeni, at stoppe med at bebrejde og at bevæge mig gennem forhindringer for negative følelser ved at bruge min fokuserede intention til at lade min stemme lede mig. Mit højeste formål er at guide klienter til at finde deres indre fred ved at arbejde igennem enhver hindring, der holder dem tilbage som et offer for deres tanker eller livsforhold. Krop og tanker leder os til at bruge stemmen som vores navigationssystem. Kun online sessioner på både engelsk og dansk.

Email: maglekilde@nyraad.net

Website: www.maglekilde.com

Facebook: com/maglekilde

Phone: 45-20946993


Yasmin Elvira Steenholdt – Copenhagen, Denmark

I specialise in the field of children with disabilities and special needs. I give sessions one on one, or in small groups. Sessions start with the parents and then I tune in to the child. Working with sound is a great way for them to express themselves and to be able to communicate what is otherwise difficult to say in words. All my sessions are playful and creative, and operate at a quiet pace in collaboration with the family.
Phone: +45 28771751
Email: yasmin@yasminelvira.dk
Web: www.yasminelvira.dk 

Video https://vimeo.com/479259840


Danish translation


Yasmin Elvira Steenholdt – Copenhagen, Denmark

Jeg er sanger og har siden 2010, specialiseret mig i feltet med børn. Jeg arbejder med lyd og sang med alle børn, børnmed funktionsnedsættelser og børn med særlige behov. Jeg giver sessioner en til en, eller i små grupper. Alt arbejde med børn  “en til en” starter med forældre. At arbejde med lyd og sang, er en fantastisk måde at udtrykke sig på, og i med denne udtryksform, opleves det at kunne sige det, der ellers er svært at sige med ord. Alle mine sessioner er legende og kreative, og går i et stille tempo i samarbejde med familien. 

Phone: +45 28771751
Email: yasmin@yasminelvira.dk
Web: www.yasminelvira.dk 

Video https://vimeo.com/479259840


Dutch Practitioners


Angelike Valster – Hoorn, The Netherlands
Soul Voice® taught me how to descend in my depths and resolve barricades and pain, I learned abundant ways to liberate myself with my own voice and breath and find more acceptance, relaxation, peace, life-joy, strength, flexibility and creativity. I would love to share this with you. In a Soul Voice® session, we work together, with voice, on your themes. This can be a physical, emotional or spiritual theme. By giving and/or receiving sound you will find your own answers.
Email: angelike@dekrachtvanjestem.nl
Web: www.dekrachtvanjestem.nl


Dutch translation

Angelike Valster – Hoorn, Nederland

Soul Voice® heeft me geleerd hoe ik in de diepte kan afdalen en barricades en pijn kan oplossen, ik heb overvloedige manieren geleerd om mezelf te bevrijden met mijn eigen stem en adem en meer acceptatie, ontspanning, vrede, levensplezier, kracht, flexibiliteit en creativiteit te vinden. Ik zou dit graag met u willen delen. In een Soul Voice® sessie werken we samen, met stem, aan jouw thema’s. Dit kan een fysiek, emotioneel of spiritueel thema zijn. Door het geven en/of ontvangen van geluid vindt u uw eigen antwoorden.

Email: angelike@dekrachtvanjestem.nl

Web: www.dekrachtvanjestem.nl


Anke de Jong – The Netherlands

Languages: Dutch, Frisian and English

Vocal sounds are keys to inner listening and embodiment of all of who you are. Take a first step, allow yourself to be guided on a wonderful journey into the depths of your Being. Explore and expres what wants to be heard. Let sound frequencies unravel and liberate your true Self. Reconnect through sound frequencies and find your way home to freedom, joy & compassion! Soul Voice® is an everlasting adventure and a playful, liberating way to get to know yourself better.

Phone: +31 6 13 360 428

E-mail: anke@ankedejong.com

Web: www.www.ankedejong.com

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/soulvoicemetanke
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/soulvoicemetanke/


Dutch translation

Anke de Jong – The Netherlands

Languages: Dutch, Frisian and English

Vind je weg door jezelf beter te leren kennen, waardoor je dagelijkse uitdagingen, in je werk/privé, aan kunt, met plezier. Leven is durven voelen! Dat is een van de dingen die ik heb geleerd in mijn Soul Voice® opleiding. Stemklank laat je voelen, wat er in je leeft. En soms is dat best spannend. Maar juist wat spannend is, verbergt onaangesproken kwaliteiten, inzichten en levensenergie. Durf jij het aan? Samen gaan we in een veilige bedding op onderzoek uit hoe jij (in kleine stapjes) de weg kunt vinden naar het leven meer ten volle, en in het NU te leven.

Phone: +31 6 13 360 428

E-mail: anke@ankedejong.com

Web: www.www.ankedejong.com

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/soulvoicemetanke
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/soulvoicemetanke/


Joyce Hellendoorn – Scharwoude, The Netherlands
The voice is the most direct entrance to the soul and is an effective & powerful medicine to go through blocks that hold us back from living our full potential  from the depths of our soul. Soul Voice® gives you a loving, joyful & respectful relationship with yourself and your surroundings. It helps you listen carefully to yourself so you can make choices in life that serve you well. I would be honoured to guide you on your Soul Voice® path.
Phone: +0031-545 843920
Email: info@voicemedicine.nl
Web: www.voicemedicine.nl


Dutch translation

Joyce Hellendoorn – Scharwoude, Nederland

De stem is de meest directe ingang naar de ziel en is een effectief & krachtig medicijn om door de blokken te gaan die ons tegenhouden om ons volledige potentieel uit het diepst van onze ziel te halen. Soul Voice® geeft je een liefdevolle, vreugdevolle & respectvolle relatie met jezelf en je omgeving. Het helpt je om goed naar jezelf te luisteren zodat je keuzes in het leven kunt maken die je goed dienen. Ik zou vereerd zijn om je te begeleiden op je Soul Voice® pad.

Telefoon: +0031-545 843920

E-mail: info@voicemedicine.nl

Web: www.voicemedicine.nl


Leonieke Niessen – Nijmegen, The Netherlands
Our own breath & voice are the most powerful tools to (re)connect to our deepest essence and truth. When we truly listen and express ourselves fully we come in contact with our inner wisdom to live our true potentials and talents. I feel honoured that I can share this great gift with you, to find YOUR unique voice and let the magic happen…
Phone: 0031-647362340
Email: leoniekeniessen@gmail.com


Dutch translation

Leonieke Niessen – Nijmegen, Nederland

Onze eigen adem & stem zijn de krachtigste middelen om ons te (her)verbinden met onze diepste essentie en waarheid. Als we echt luisteren en ons volledig uitdrukken komen we in contact met onze innerlijke wijsheid om onze ware mogelijkheden en talenten te beleven. Ik voel me vereerd dat ik dit grote geschenk met jullie kan delen, om JOUW unieke stem te vinden en de magie te laten gebeuren…

Telefoon: 0031-647362340

E-mail: leoniekeniessen@gmail.com


Maike Geurts – Tilburg, The Netherlands

Soul Voice® is a way to connect with myself & feel I am the conductor of my own life. To liberate myself of what I no longer need, bringing me closer to my deep inner nature, femininity, wisdom and love. It is like the undercurrent of the ocean: vast & steadily moving deeply into who I am & all I can be. Let me guide you into the depths of your own inner being to discover all you are; your inner riches & how to embrace them.

Phone: 0031 (0) 13-5455 638

Email: maikegeurts@gmail.com


Dutch translation

Maike Geurts – Tilburg, The Netherlands

Soul Voice® is een manier om met mezelf in contact te komen en te voelen dat ik de dirigent van mijn eigen leven ben. Om mezelf te bevrijden van wat ik niet langer nodig heb, en me dichter bij mijn diepe innerlijke natuur, vrouwelijkheid, wijsheid en liefde te brengen. Het is als de onderstroom van de oceaan: uitgestrekt & gestaag bewegend diep in wie ik ben & alles wat ik kan zijn. Laat me je begeleiden naar de diepten van je eigen innerlijke wezen om te ontdekken wat je allemaal bent; je innerlijke rijkdommen & hoe je ze kunt omarmen.

Phone: 0031 (0) 13-5455 638

Email: maikegeurts@gmail.com


Viola Bennink – Wageningen, The Netherlands

Languages: English and Dutch

Give voice to your insecurities and discomforts and embrace the not-knowing. Soul Voice® constantly guides me towards a freefall into the unknown, in which miracles can happen. Trust the transformative capacity of the voice. Trust your inner wisdom. Then, you can feel at home with yourself, regardless of what’s happening in the outside world. Are you ready to listen to your inner calling? Become more and more authentic and spread the power of intuitive wisdom with me. Online sessions available.

Phone: +31617123325

Email: info@voilastemexpressie.nl

Website: www.voilastemexpressie.nl (Dutch)


Dutch translation

Viola Bennink – Wageningen, The Netherlands

Talen: Engels en Nederlands

Geef jouw onzekerheden en ongemakken een stem en omarm het niet-weten. Soul Voice® leid mij constant naar een vrije val in het onbekende. Daarin kunnen wonderen gebeuren. Vertrouw op het transformerende vermogen van de stem. Vertrouw jouw innerlijke wijsheid. Dan kun je jou thuis voelen bij jezelf, ongeacht wat er in de buitenwereld gebeurt. Ben je klaar om naar jouw innerlijke roeping te luisteren? Word steeds authentieker en verspreid de kracht van intuïtieve wijsheid met mij. Online sessies beschikbaar.

Telefoonnummer: +31617123325

Email: info@voilastemexpressie.nl

Website: www.voilastemexpressie.nl


German Practitioners


Kaja Benala Schellenberg – Gottingen, Germany

As a Certified Soul Voice® practitioner, I attend people and animals in the various processes of healing, growing and death. Sound helps me to listen and understand on a much deeper level. Sound is a tool for solving blockages and pain. Sound transforms, clears, cleans, gives expression and brings into silence. I´d love to show you how to use breath and sound for yourself and your animal companions. I accompany you on your path into your own power.

Email: kaja@erdklang.eu

Phone: 0049(0)551- 7975695

WhatsApp 0159 – 0170 5365

Web: www.erdklang.eu


German translation


Kaja Benala Schellenberg – Göttingen, Germany

Als Certified Soul Voice® Practitioner begleite ich Menschen und Tiere in den verschiedenen Prozessen des Heilens, Wachsens und Sterbens. Klang hilft mir, auf einer viel tieferen Ebene zuzuhören und zu verstehen. Klang ist ein Werkzeug zum Lösen von Blockaden und Schmerz. Klang transformiert, klärt, reinigt, gibt Ausdruck und bringt in die Stille. Gerne zeige ich Ihnen, wie Sie Atem und Klang für sich und Ihre tierischen Begleiter nutzen können. Ich begleite Sie auf Ihrem Weg in Ihre eigene Kraft.

Email: kaja@erdklang.eu

Phone: 0049(0)551- 7975695

WhatsApp 0159 – 0170 5365

Web: www.erdklang.eu


Marieke Vissier – Germany
With Soul Voice®, with my soul and with my voice, I feel deeply connected to all the elements and all there is on Mother Earth and in this Universe. To be so fully open and in deep trust, is the biggest gift my voice gave me. I can live, give and I can receive from the purest source! Being in love with my life and everything it brings me!! You can have this too. Exciting…
Phone: +49 1753 4519 182
Email: marieke@stimmkammer.de
Web: www.Stimmkammer.de


German translation


Marieke Vissier – Deutschland

Mit Soul Voice®, mit meiner Seele und mit meiner Stimme, fühle ich mich tief verbunden mit allen Elementen und allem, was es auf Mutter Erde und in diesem Universum gibt. So ganz offen und in tiefem Vertrauen zu sein, ist das größte Geschenk, das mir meine Stimme gemacht hat. Ich kann aus der reinsten Quelle leben, geben und empfangen! Verliebt zu sein in mein Leben und alles, was es mir bringt!!! Das können Sie auch haben. Spannend…

Telefon: +49 1753 4519 182

E-Mail: marieke@stimmkammer.de

Web: www.Stimmkammer.de


Marion Pütz – Augsburg, Germany         

The answer lies in the uniqueness of your voice! Would you like to learn more about your deeper calling on your life path? Soul Voice® is a very touching method with which you release unnecessary ballast and connect with the vision of your heart and soul. I would be happy to accompany you in your personal growth.

Phone: +49 821/ 262 19 46
Email: info@marion-puetz.de
Web: www.marion-puetz.de


German translation


Marion Pütz – Augsburg, Germany         

Die Antwort liegt in der Einzigartigkeit Ihrer Stimme! Sie möchten mehr über Ihre tiefere Berufung auf Ihrem Lebensweg erfahren? Soul Voice® ist eine sehr berührende Methode, mit der Sie unnötigen Ballast lösen und sich mit der Vision Ihres Herzens und Ihrer Seele verbinden. Gerne begleite ich Sie in Ihrem persönlichen Wachstum.

Phone: +49 821/ 262 19 46
Email: info@marion-puetz.de
Web: www.marion-puetz.de


Italian Practitioners


Adelgunde Müller – Italy
In the beginning it may feel unfamiliar, but once you start to use your voice to cope with unpleasant or painful feelings and unresolved situations, you will know the depth and efficiency of this modality. Revealing the layers which have been accumulated in the past will free you from habitual negative patterns and thus change your life forever. The Soul Voice® method includes different techniques which I as a professional certified Practitioner will use with sensitivity and intuition according to your personal needs.

Phone: 0039 331 1060 263
Email: info@adelgunde.com

German, Italian & English.



Alora Waldron – Gold Coast, QLD

My passion is working with you to co-create a sacred space that facilitates transformational healing, connecting you with your soul’s true essence & inner wisdom. These sessions are profoundly effective in restoring love, confidence, inspiration & self-expression. By allowing you to elegantly clear barriers, blocks & any negative programming limiting your whole potential from being realized, you naturally come into balance & harmony. Create loving healthy relationships that flourish & express beauty & joy with each other & the world.

Phone: +61 (0) 414 808 052

Email: alora@me.com

Barbara Rae Graham – Sydney, NSW

Sound has been my teacher for 25 years & Soul Voice® took my work to a new level with sound medicine techniques. Learn to recover the embodied resonance & fullness of your precious voice and journey the deep landscapes of your soul. With the principle that all sounds are welcomed with compassion, allow what arises to express, transition & flow in celebratory song. Be an energy mover & shaker, re-weaver of opposites, joy generator, peace maker & sacred activist in sound.

Phone: +61 0404 098 735
Email: barbararae@me.com

Cindy Wessling – Northern NSW

We are here on this exquisitely expressive planet, in uniquely expressive forms, to experience the love & infinite possibility that we are! Often that isn’t our experience, we lose contact with who we really are. Sounding is the medicine that enables me to clear through the confusion of limiting beliefs, allowing me to re-align with truth and guidance. I would be honoured to hold a safe, supportive space for you as you discover the empowering instrument that is within you!

Phone: +61 0410 147 731

Dorianne Daniels – Hobart, Tasmania

The voice holds the key to activate your full potential as a human being. I will support you as you awaken to the magnitude of who you are. The world needs your authentic spark and truth that is unique to you. I support you to, step by step release outdated and soul limiting programming on a cellular level. I will guide you at a pace that is attuned to your optimal rhythm for the highest healing for yourself and the planet.

Email: mukulusong.com

Phone: +61 0410 231 183

Website: www.mukulusong.com

Elizabeth Salna – Adelaide, South Australia
Soul Voice® has allowed me to develop a stronger, clearer & more confident voice in daily life. I integrate sounding into my practice as a Clinical Psychologist, especially for grounding & clearing body held trauma. I invite you to join with me in the dynamic experience of a sound healing session. Deepen your connection to your heart, increase your capacity to listen to the guidance of your soul & embody this enduring wisdom in your own unique voice.

Phone: +61 (0) 411554295
Email: salna@adam.com.au

Kathryn Santospirito – Adelaide, South Australia

A Soul Voice® session is an unpredictable adventure into your Self, your sounds and your body’s innate wisdom. Can you imagine what treasures and potential you might discover on your unique adventure? Go for it! I would be honoured and excited to accompany you there.

Phone: +61 0417 710 577
Email: katspirit13@hotmail.com

Melissa McCormack – New South Wales


Sessions in person or online.

You have an amazing & unique healing power within you that longs to be released. Your voice is the most powerful instrument for your healing. It’s flexible, organic & can be ‘trained’ to access any frequency needed for your highest healing intention. I will help you discover how your magical voice can move & shake & shift all the ‘rubbish’ you’ve taken on without even realising. What’s keeping you from living your best, most blissful life? Your voice will tell you!

Phone: +61 414918142
Email: sacred.sounder@gmail.com

Web: www.melissamccormack.com.au

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/embodiedalchemy/




Ruth Danziger – Toronto, Canada

Come into full intimacy with yourself through your voice, using somatic, emotional & spiritual practices designed to help you re-integrate all parts of yourself, including those that have been lost, suppressed or disembodied. As you expand into a full range of soundscapes, your whole Voice, your birthright, becomes available to you in life. Deeply encouraging, grounding, enlivening work. Healing sessions available, calling on the power and subtlety of sound vibration to re-create flow in the body and mind.

Phone: 416-388-1734
Email: rdanziger@ca.inter.net

Wendelin Bartley– Toronto, Canada

Through the Soul Voice® method, I will guide you in the awakening of your authentic voice as you unlock your creative essence with an exquisite tapestry of sounds. An awakened voice will support you in reaching your highest creative potential and gives you the valuable tools to create energetic shifts in your own life and in the healing of the world.

Phone: 1-416-656-4507
E-mail: wbartley@interlog.com
Web: www.awakeningyourvoice.com/





Carol Jean Patterson –  Oakland, California, USA

Join me in active and/or passive Soul Voice® sessions to move through the blockages to access your inner joy and power. Receive intuitive voice soundings & emotional release to develop your authentic voice and engage your soul. Sessions can be conducted via Skype or face-to-face in the San Francisco Bay Area. Please contact me to explore how you can participate in a Soul Voice® session.

Phone: 1-510-384-4460
E-mail: Eostre@swansway.com





Anne Marie Hynes – Ireland

I look forward to helping you accept yourself exactly as you are in this exact moment, guiding you to discover the root of your issues and healing them together; using sound vibrations and inner positivity. I will support you as you dive in and allow yourself to be truly free, authentically expressing your own inner sounds. Through the Soul Voice® method you can learn to Love Yourself. You Are Divine.

Phone: (00353) 87 7629121
Email: anniehynes@gmail.com



New Zealand


Jeanette Adams – Nelson, South IslandThe passion of our life calling and true selves is often hidden by layers of life experience. Soul Voice® is life changing and, through sessions, we can release pain & trauma, enabling us to interact more deeply with life and our life choices. Using the voice supports us to discover joy and fulfilment & enrich our life with the discovery of our authentic selves. Join me on a journey of healing and self-discovery in a safe & fun environment.

Mobile: +64 (0) 21 024 08018
Email: jeanettesoundz@gmail.com


Debi Lloyd – Wellington, North Island

Discover how to express your truth beyond words… creating your own unique symphony of sound. Together we can transform your world into one of awe & magic! You will liberate your healing powers and reconnect with your divine sacred resonance. Let go of those old stories that do not serve your highest aspirations and allow your magnificence to shine. Through understanding, compassionate and supportive guidance, we will re-ignite the passion for your life’s yearning and feel truly alive.

Mobile: +64 21 380081
Email: debi@esse.co.nz

Instagram: soulgardenuniverse






Priscilla ‘Sapphira’ Silcock – London, UK

Soul Voice® is an integral part of how I manage my busy life & stay grounded. As a performer, dance teacher, burlesque entrepreneur, author, mindfulness & business coach, I love that I learned to use my voice to release my deepest fears and to also express my joy & ecstasy without inhibition. I will bring the same level of peace & trust to your Soul Voice® session. This method changes lives and I would love to help you change yours!


Email: priscilla@sapphiramusic.com

Phone: +44 07542 201 308

Website: www.sapphiramusic.com/soul-voice




Kathleen Kirmer – London, UK
Languages: German, English
Come with me on a journey where we together explore the incredible transforming and deeply healing qualities of our voices & vocal sounds. I offer you a safe and open hearted space where you can find your way back home to your true self. I support you to release what holds you back from living your potential and true health. You will learn to express and embrace your truth, your power and your beautiful divine self.

Phone: + 44 772 400 8425
Email: info@wisdom-of-voice.co.uk
Web: www.wisdom-of-voice.co.uk





Danish Practitioners


Judy Yodit Solomon – Denmark, Copenhagen
A traumatic childhood and lack of self-love, is what brought me here. The Soul Voice® method gave me tools to overcome fear of self-expression, of setting clear boundaries, tools for healing and forgiving my past to finally reconnect with my voice and discover my powerful healing instrument. My mission is to help women reconnect with their passion and life purpose. I offer support to cultivate self-worth, gain clarity and help create freedom & balance in their private and professional life.
Phone: +45 26663338
Email: judy@solomonsoundhealing.com
Web: www.solomonsoundhealing.com


Danish translation


Judy Yodit Solomon – Danmark, København

En traumatisk barndom og mangel på egenkærlighed er det, der bragte mig her. Soul Voice®-metoden gav mig værktøjer til at overvinde frygt for selvudfoldelse, for at sætte klare grænser, værktøjer til helbredelse og tilgive min fortid til endelig at genoprette forbindelse til min stemme og opdage mit kraftfulde helbredende instrument. Min mission er at hjælpe kvinder med at genoprette forbindelse til deres lidenskab og livsformål. Jeg tilbyder støtte til at dyrke selvværd, få klarhed og hjælpe med at skabe frihed og balance i deres private og professionelle liv.

Telefon: +45 26663338

E-mail: judy@solomonsoundhealing.com

Web: www.solomonsoundhealing.com



Lise Rydstrom – Denmark

You were born with a beautiful voice. Use it! Learn to express your innermost feelings and transform your pain into love and light, clarity and inner peace! As a Certified Soul Voice Practitioner, I will gladly guide you on your magic and powerful Soul Voice® Journey!

Phone: +45 23481587

Email: lise@liserydstroem.dk

Website: liserydstroem.dk


Danish translation

Lise Rydstrom – Danmark

Du blev født med en smuk stemme. Brug det! Lær at udtrykke dine inderste følelser og omdanne din smerte til kærlighed og lys, klarhed og indre fred! Som certificeret Soul Voice Practitioner vil jeg gerne guide dig på din magiske og magtfulde Soul Voice®-rejse!

Telefon: +45 23481587

E-mail: lise@liserydstroem.dk



Ulla Maglekilde Jerrebo – Vordingborg, Denmark

My personal life has been finding peace within, to stop blaming and to move through obstacles of negative feelings by using my focused intension to let my voice guide me. My highest purpose is to guide clients to find their inner peace, by working through any obstacle that holds them back as a victim of their thoughts or life circumstances. The body and thoughts guide us to use the voice as our navigation system. Only online sessions in both English & Danish.  

Email: maglekilde@nyraad.net

Website: www.maglekilde.com

Facebook: com/maglekilde

Phone: 45-20946993


Danish translation


Ulla Maglekilde Jerrebo – Vordingborg, Denmark

Mit personlige liv har været at finde fred indeni, at stoppe med at bebrejde og at bevæge mig gennem forhindringer for negative følelser ved at bruge min fokuserede intention til at lade min stemme lede mig. Mit højeste formål er at guide klienter til at finde deres indre fred ved at arbejde igennem enhver hindring, der holder dem tilbage som et offer for deres tanker eller livsforhold. Krop og tanker leder os til at bruge stemmen som vores navigationssystem. Kun online sessioner på både engelsk og dansk.

Email: maglekilde@nyraad.net

Website: www.maglekilde.com

Facebook: com/maglekilde

Phone: 45-20946993



Yasmin Elvira Steenholdt – Copenhagen, Denmark

I specialise in the field of children with disabilities and special needs. I give sessions one on one, or in small groups. Sessions start with the parents and then I tune in to the child. Working with sound is a great way for them to express themselves and to be able to communicate what is otherwise difficult to say in words. All my sessions are playful and creative, and operate at a quiet pace in collaboration with the family.
Phone: +45 28771751
Email: yasmin@yasminelvira.dk
Web: www.yasminelvira.dk 

Video https://vimeo.com/479259840


Danish translation


Yasmin Elvira Steenholdt – Copenhagen, Denmark

Jeg er sanger og har siden 2010, specialiseret mig i feltet med børn. Jeg arbejder med lyd og sang med alle børn, børnmed funktionsnedsættelser og børn med særlige behov. Jeg giver sessioner en til en, eller i små grupper. Alt arbejde med børn  “en til en” starter med forældre. At arbejde med lyd og sang, er en fantastisk måde at udtrykke sig på, og i med denne udtryksform, opleves det at kunne sige det, der ellers er svært at sige med ord. Alle mine sessioner er legende og kreative, og går i et stille tempo i samarbejde med familien. 

Phone: +45 28771751
Email: yasmin@yasminelvira.dk
Web: www.yasminelvira.dk 

Video https://vimeo.com/479259840





Dutch Practitioners


Angelike Valster – Hoorn, The Netherlands
Soul Voice® taught me how to descend in my depths and resolve barricades and pain, I learned abundant ways to liberate myself with my own voice and breath and find more acceptance, relaxation, peace, life-joy, strength, flexibility and creativity. I would love to share this with you. In a Soul Voice® session, we work together, with voice, on your themes. This can be a physical, emotional or spiritual theme. By giving and/or receiving sound you will find your own answers.
Email: angelike@dekrachtvanjestem.nl
Web: www.dekrachtvanjestem.nl


Dutch translation

Angelike Valster – Hoorn, Nederland

Soul Voice® heeft me geleerd hoe ik in de diepte kan afdalen en barricades en pijn kan oplossen, ik heb overvloedige manieren geleerd om mezelf te bevrijden met mijn eigen stem en adem en meer acceptatie, ontspanning, vrede, levensplezier, kracht, flexibiliteit en creativiteit te vinden. Ik zou dit graag met u willen delen. In een Soul Voice® sessie werken we samen, met stem, aan jouw thema’s. Dit kan een fysiek, emotioneel of spiritueel thema zijn. Door het geven en/of ontvangen van geluid vindt u uw eigen antwoorden.

Email: angelike@dekrachtvanjestem.nl

Web: www.dekrachtvanjestem.nl



Anke de Jong – The Netherlands

Languages: Dutch, Frisian and English

Vocal sounds are keys to inner listening and embodiment of all of who you are. Take a first step, allow yourself to be guided on a wonderful journey into the depths of your Being. Explore and expres what wants to be heard. Let sound frequencies unravel and liberate your true Self. Reconnect through sound frequencies and find your way home to freedom, joy & compassion! Soul Voice® is an everlasting adventure and a playful, liberating way to get to know yourself better.

Phone: +31 6 13 360 428

E-mail: anke@ankedejong.com

Web: www.www.ankedejong.com

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/soulvoicemetanke
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/soulvoicemetanke/


Dutch translation

Anke de Jong – The Netherlands

Languages: Dutch, Frisian and English

Vind je weg door jezelf beter te leren kennen, waardoor je dagelijkse uitdagingen, in je werk/privé, aan kunt, met plezier. Leven is durven voelen! Dat is een van de dingen die ik heb geleerd in mijn Soul Voice® opleiding. Stemklank laat je voelen, wat er in je leeft. En soms is dat best spannend. Maar juist wat spannend is, verbergt onaangesproken kwaliteiten, inzichten en levensenergie. Durf jij het aan? Samen gaan we in een veilige bedding op onderzoek uit hoe jij (in kleine stapjes) de weg kunt vinden naar het leven meer ten volle, en in het NU te leven.

Phone: +31 6 13 360 428

E-mail: anke@ankedejong.com

Web: www.www.ankedejong.com

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/soulvoicemetanke
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/soulvoicemetanke/



Joyce Hellendoorn – Scharwoude, The Netherlands
The voice is the most direct entrance to the soul and is an effective & powerful medicine to go through blocks that hold us back from living our full potential  from the depths of our soul. Soul Voice® gives you a loving, joyful & respectful relationship with yourself and your surroundings. It helps you listen carefully to yourself so you can make choices in life that serve you well. I would be honoured to guide you on your Soul Voice® path.
Phone: +0031-545 843920
Email: info@voicemedicine.nl
Web: www.voicemedicine.nl


Dutch translation

Joyce Hellendoorn – Scharwoude, Nederland

De stem is de meest directe ingang naar de ziel en is een effectief & krachtig medicijn om door de blokken te gaan die ons tegenhouden om ons volledige potentieel uit het diepst van onze ziel te halen. Soul Voice® geeft je een liefdevolle, vreugdevolle & respectvolle relatie met jezelf en je omgeving. Het helpt je om goed naar jezelf te luisteren zodat je keuzes in het leven kunt maken die je goed dienen. Ik zou vereerd zijn om je te begeleiden op je Soul Voice® pad.

Telefoon: +0031-545 843920

E-mail: info@voicemedicine.nl

Web: www.voicemedicine.nl



Leonieke Niessen – Nijmegen, The Netherlands
Our own breath & voice are the most powerful tools to (re)connect to our deepest essence and truth. When we truly listen and express ourselves fully we come in contact with our inner wisdom to live our true potentials and talents. I feel honoured that I can share this great gift with you, to find YOUR unique voice and let the magic happen…
Phone: 0031-647362340
Email: leoniekeniessen@gmail.com


Dutch translation

Leonieke Niessen – Nijmegen, Nederland

Onze eigen adem & stem zijn de krachtigste middelen om ons te (her)verbinden met onze diepste essentie en waarheid. Als we echt luisteren en ons volledig uitdrukken komen we in contact met onze innerlijke wijsheid om onze ware mogelijkheden en talenten te beleven. Ik voel me vereerd dat ik dit grote geschenk met jullie kan delen, om JOUW unieke stem te vinden en de magie te laten gebeuren…

Telefoon: 0031-647362340

E-mail: leoniekeniessen@gmail.com




Maike Geurts – Tilburg, The Netherlands

Soul Voice® is a way to connect with myself & feel I am the conductor of my own life. To liberate myself of what I no longer need, bringing me closer to my deep inner nature, femininity, wisdom and love. It is like the undercurrent of the ocean: vast & steadily moving deeply into who I am & all I can be. Let me guide you into the depths of your own inner being to discover all you are; your inner riches & how to embrace them.

Phone: 0031 (0) 13-5455 638

Email: maikegeurts@gmail.com


Dutch translation

Maike Geurts – Tilburg, The Netherlands

Soul Voice® is een manier om met mezelf in contact te komen en te voelen dat ik de dirigent van mijn eigen leven ben. Om mezelf te bevrijden van wat ik niet langer nodig heb, en me dichter bij mijn diepe innerlijke natuur, vrouwelijkheid, wijsheid en liefde te brengen. Het is als de onderstroom van de oceaan: uitgestrekt & gestaag bewegend diep in wie ik ben & alles wat ik kan zijn. Laat me je begeleiden naar de diepten van je eigen innerlijke wezen om te ontdekken wat je allemaal bent; je innerlijke rijkdommen & hoe je ze kunt omarmen.

Phone: 0031 (0) 13-5455 638

Email: maikegeurts@gmail.com



Viola Bennink – Wageningen, The Netherlands

Languages: English and Dutch

Give voice to your insecurities and discomforts and embrace the not-knowing. Soul Voice® constantly guides me towards a freefall into the unknown, in which miracles can happen. Trust the transformative capacity of the voice. Trust your inner wisdom. Then, you can feel at home with yourself, regardless of what’s happening in the outside world. Are you ready to listen to your inner calling? Become more and more authentic and spread the power of intuitive wisdom with me. Online sessions available.

Phone: +31617123325

Email: info@voilastemexpressie.nl

Website: www.voilastemexpressie.nl (Dutch)


Dutch translation

Viola Bennink – Wageningen, The Netherlands

Talen: Engels en Nederlands

Geef jouw onzekerheden en ongemakken een stem en omarm het niet-weten. Soul Voice® leid mij constant naar een vrije val in het onbekende. Daarin kunnen wonderen gebeuren. Vertrouw op het transformerende vermogen van de stem. Vertrouw jouw innerlijke wijsheid. Dan kun je jou thuis voelen bij jezelf, ongeacht wat er in de buitenwereld gebeurt. Ben je klaar om naar jouw innerlijke roeping te luisteren? Word steeds authentieker en verspreid de kracht van intuïtieve wijsheid met mij. Online sessies beschikbaar.

Telefoonnummer: +31617123325

Email: info@voilastemexpressie.nl

Website: www.voilastemexpressie.nl





German Practitioners


Kaja Benala Schellenberg – Gottingen, Germany

As a Certified Soul Voice® practitioner, I attend people and animals in the various processes of healing, growing and death. Sound helps me to listen and understand on a much deeper level. Sound is a tool for solving blockages and pain. Sound transforms, clears, cleans, gives expression and brings into silence. I´d love to show you how to use breath and sound for yourself and your animal companions. I accompany you on your path into your own power.

Email: kaja@erdklang.eu

Phone: 0049(0)551- 7975695

WhatsApp 0159 – 0170 5365

Web: www.erdklang.eu


German translation


Kaja Benala Schellenberg – Göttingen, Germany

Als Certified Soul Voice® Practitioner begleite ich Menschen und Tiere in den verschiedenen Prozessen des Heilens, Wachsens und Sterbens. Klang hilft mir, auf einer viel tieferen Ebene zuzuhören und zu verstehen. Klang ist ein Werkzeug zum Lösen von Blockaden und Schmerz. Klang transformiert, klärt, reinigt, gibt Ausdruck und bringt in die Stille. Gerne zeige ich Ihnen, wie Sie Atem und Klang für sich und Ihre tierischen Begleiter nutzen können. Ich begleite Sie auf Ihrem Weg in Ihre eigene Kraft.

Email: kaja@erdklang.eu

Phone: 0049(0)551- 7975695

WhatsApp 0159 – 0170 5365

Web: www.erdklang.eu



Marieke Vissier – Germany
With Soul Voice®, with my soul and with my voice, I feel deeply connected to all the elements and all there is on Mother Earth and in this Universe. To be so fully open and in deep trust, is the biggest gift my voice gave me. I can live, give and I can receive from the purest source! Being in love with my life and everything it brings me!! You can have this too. Exciting…
Phone: +49 1753 4519 182
Email: marieke@stimmkammer.de
Web: www.Stimmkammer.de


German translation


Marieke Vissier – Deutschland

Mit Soul Voice®, mit meiner Seele und mit meiner Stimme, fühle ich mich tief verbunden mit allen Elementen und allem, was es auf Mutter Erde und in diesem Universum gibt. So ganz offen und in tiefem Vertrauen zu sein, ist das größte Geschenk, das mir meine Stimme gemacht hat. Ich kann aus der reinsten Quelle leben, geben und empfangen! Verliebt zu sein in mein Leben und alles, was es mir bringt!!! Das können Sie auch haben. Spannend…

Telefon: +49 1753 4519 182

E-Mail: marieke@stimmkammer.de

Web: www.Stimmkammer.de



Marion Pütz – Augsburg, Germany         

The answer lies in the uniqueness of your voice! Would you like to learn more about your deeper calling on your life path? Soul Voice® is a very touching method with which you release unnecessary ballast and connect with the vision of your heart and soul. I would be happy to accompany you in your personal growth.

Phone: +49 821/ 262 19 46
Email: info@marion-puetz.de


German translation


Marion Pütz – Augsburg, Germany         

Die Antwort liegt in der Einzigartigkeit Ihrer Stimme! Sie möchten mehr über Ihre tiefere Berufung auf Ihrem Lebensweg erfahren? Soul Voice® ist eine sehr berührende Methode, mit der Sie unnötigen Ballast lösen und sich mit der Vision Ihres Herzens und Ihrer Seele verbinden. Gerne begleite ich Sie in Ihrem persönlichen Wachstum.

Phone: +49 821/ 262 19 46
Email: info@marion-puetz.de





Italian Practitioners


Adelgunde Müller – Italy
In the beginning it may feel unfamiliar, but once you start to use your voice to cope with unpleasant or painful feelings and unresolved situations, you will know the depth and efficiency of this modality. Revealing the layers which have been accumulated in the past will free you from habitual negative patterns and thus change your life forever. The Soul Voice® method includes different techniques which I as a professional certified Practitioner will use with sensitivity and intuition according to your personal needs.

Phone: 0039 331 1060 263
Email: info@adelgunde.com

German, Italian & English.


Italian translation

Adelgunde Müller – Italy
All’inizio può sembrare poco familiare, ma una volta che hai iniziato a usare la voce per affrontare emozioni spiacevoli o dolorose e situazioni irrisolte, conoscerai la profondità e l’efficienza di questa modalità. Rivelare gli strati che sono stati accumulati in passato ti libererà dagli schemi negativi abituali e quindi cambierà per sempre la tua vita. Il metodo Soul Voice® comprende diverse tecniche che io, in qualità di professionista certificata, utilizzerò con sensibilità e intuizione a seconda delle tue esigenze personali.

Phone: 0039 331 1060 263
Email: info@adelgunde.com



ANNA GIAROLI – Parma, Italy

I offer consultancies for the Expression of own Potential & Well-Being &  accompany other people to reconnect & express the immense potential of energy, vitality & health which resides within them. With Soul Voice® you use the voice to transform a physical or emotional discomfort, or a pattern of behavior that you want to let go, giving space to the most vital, free and intuitive part of being. The result is extraordinary! Come & experiment.

Telephone:  +39 3283730900

Website: www.annagiaroli.it
Facebook: www.facebook.com/GiaroliAnna/


Italian translation


ANNA GIAROLI – Parma, Italy

Offro consulenze per l’Espressione del Potenziale e il Benessere e accompagno altre persone a ricontattare ed esprimere l’immenso potenziale di energia, vitalità e salute che risiede in loro stesse. Col Soul Voice® si utilizza la voce per trasformare un disagio fisico o emotivo, o uno schema di comportamento che si vuole lasciare andare, dando spazio alla parte più vitale, libera e intuitiva dell’essere. Il risultato è straordinario! Vieni a sperimentare.

Telephone:  +39 3283730900

Website: www.annagiaroli.it


Carmencita Catania – Sicily
For 35 years I have dedicated myself to working and supporting children and their mothers. Through the Soul Voice® Method I will assist you in recognizing your own power and assets; to accept and use them in your daily life. I will support the vital force within you with love and empathy! I am available for individual sessions and groups; in schools, communities or wherever there is need. Contact me to work with your children.
Phone: 334 8727143


Italian translation

Carmencita Catania – Sicily

Per 35 anni mi sono dedicata a lavorare e sostenere i bambini e le loro madri. Attraverso il Metodo Soul Voice® ti assisterò nel riconoscere il tuo potere e le tue risorse; per accettarle e usarle nella tua vita quotidiana. Sosterrò la forza vitale dentro di te con amore ed empatia! Sono disponibile per sessioni individuali e di gruppo; nelle scuole, nelle comunità o ovunque ci sia bisogno. Contattatemi per lavorare con i vostri bambini.
Phone: 334 8727143




Gianluca Franchini – Italy, Cesenatico

Becoming a Certified Soul Voice® Practitioner has been my biggest achievement through listening to my heart. Soul Voice® helped me to feel the power of my heart, to realize my dreams, to express my greatest talent; MY VOICE, and be free to be what I am with joy and love. I would love to help you discover the power of your voice, to express yourself fully, to love, to sing, to enjoy life and live it to light your real dreams and desires.
Phone: 00 39 370 3149126
Facebook: Gianluca Franchini-Dai Voce alle Tue Emozioni
Web Site: www.gianlcafranchini.com


Italian translation

Gianluca Franchini – Italia, Cesenatico

Diventare un Certified Soul Voice® Practitioner è stato il mio più grande risultato attraverso l’ascolto del mio cuore. Soul Voice® mi ha aiutato a sentire la forza del mio cuore, a realizzare i miei sogni, a esprimere il mio più grande talento; la MIA VOCE, e ad essere libero di essere ciò che sono con gioia e amore. Mi piacerebbe aiutarti a scoprire il potere della tua voce, ad esprimerti pienamente, ad amare, a cantare, a goderti la vita e a viverla per illuminare i tuoi veri sogni e desideri.

Telefono: 00 39 370 3149126

Email: gfranchini01@gmail.com

Facebook: Gianluca Franchini-Dai Voce alle Tue Emozioni

Sito web: www.gianlcafranchini.com



Lucia Minichiello – Carpi (MO), Italia

I discovered my voice during a Soul Voice® workshop. The voice is a tool we have at our fingertips and we underestimate its power. It is natural and sometimes magical at the same time. This method helps us to change, to use our voice as a guide and tool for deep inner listening that is simple, true and effective. Allow yourself to give free rein to your unexpressed emotions by breaking down the many walls we unconsciously create for ourselves.

Phone: +39 328 4484935

Email: minilucia66@gmail.com


Italian translation


Lucia Minichiello – Carpi (MO), Italia

Ho scoperto  la mia voce durante  un seminario di Soul Voice®. La voce è uno strumento che tutti noi abbiamo a portata di mano. Sottostimiamo il suo potere, come spesso anche di noi stessi. È qualcosa di naturale ed a volte magico insieme. Questo metodo ci aiuta a cambiare, ad usare la nostra voce come guida e come strumento per un ascolto interiore profondo ed al contempo semplice, vero ed efficace. Permettiti di dare libero sfogo alle tue emozioni inespresse abbattendo i molti muri che ci creiamo inconsciamente.

Phone: +39 328 4484935

Email: minilucia66@gmail.com





Maria Cristina Franzoni – Italy

My job is about taking care of the whole well-being of the person. My passion is to support the developmental process that is the fundamental impulse of the human being. For this reason, among the several educations with which I built my professional path, the use of Voice with the Soul Voice® method occupies a main role. With joy, skill & respect I offer the acquired knowledge I receive, always updated, to light up resources and potentialities not already expressed.

Phone: +39 328 044 8047

Website: www.lasceltadiessere.it

Facebook: Maria Cristina Franzoni-la scelta di essere

Linkedin: Maria Cristina Franzoni

Instagram: Maria Stella Cristina


Italian translation

Maria Cristina Franzoni – Italy

Mi occupo del benessere della persona a tutto tondo. La mia passione è valorizzare il processo evolutivo che caratterizza l’impulso vitale dell’essere umano. Per questo tra le molteplici formazioni con cui ho costruito il mio percorso professionale, la voce con il metodo Soul Voice® continua ad occupare un ruolo fondamentale. Con gioia, professionalità e rispetto offro le competenze che ho acquisito, e che aggiorno cotinuamente, per illuminare risorse e potenzialità non ancora espresse.

Phone: +39 328 044 8047

Website: www.lasceltadiessere.it

Facebook: Maria Cristina Franzoni-la scelta di essere

Linkedin: Maria Cristina Franzoni

Instagram: Maria Stella Cristina



Maria Gisella Locatelli – Carpi (MO), Italy

Sessions in Italian & English

The voice does not lie, it goes beyond. After 20 years of research & practicing various techniques, Soul Voice® is the most direct & effective method to achieve the hidden truths within & leads, through authenticity, to reconnect with our deeper self. In a Soul Voice® session, you can work physically & emotionally in a safe environment. I will guide you, both in person and online, to unchain what holds you back. Give yourself a chance!

Email: kumanisoulvoice@gmail.com

Website: www.kumani.it

Facebook Page: Kumani – Maria Gisella Locatelli


Italian translation

Maria Gisella Locatelli – Carpi (MO), Italy

Sessions in Italian & English

La voce non mente, va oltre. Dopo 20 anni di ricerca e pratica di varie tecniche, Soul Voice® è il metodo più diretto ed efficace per raggiungere le verità nascoste dentro di sé e porta, attraverso l’autenticità, a riconnettersi con il nostro sé più profondo. In una sessione di Soul Voice® si può lavorare fisicamente ed emotivamente in un ambiente sicuro. Vi guiderò, sia di persona che online, a liberare ciò che vi trattiene. Datevi una possibilità!

Email: kumanisoulvoice@gmail.com

Website: www.kumani.it

Facebook Page: Kumani – Maria Gisella Locatelli


Maria Rosa Piraino – Milan, Italy
Forgiveness, acceptance & letting go of false attachments that tie down Soul that would like to fly on the resonant waves of the existence: this happened in my consciousness working with the Soul Voice® method. I discovered that my voice is the resonance that reconnects me to all, beyond dimensions. I am ready to help you, with love, so that you can find your inner sound to live a full and real life.
Phone: +39 3357608946


Italian translation


Maria Rosa Piraino – Milazzo, Italia

Il perdono, l’accettazione e il lasciar andare i falsi attaccamenti che legano l’Anima che vorrebbe volare sulle onde risonanti dell’esistenza: questo è successo nella mia coscienza lavorando con il metodo Soul Voice®. Ho scoperto che la mia voce è la risonanza che mi ricollega a tutti, al di là delle dimensioni. Sono pronto ad aiutarvi, con amore, affinché possiate trovare il vostro suono interiore per vivere una vita piena e reale.

Telefono: +39 3357608946

Email: pirainomariarosa@virgilio.it



Paola Benvenga – Venice, Italy
May you be called by the Voice of God inside you. May you be called by the Guidance that has always lived within you, when you’ve been happy and when you’ve been lost. May you feel the necessity to express your truth and break your chains. May you let your volcano explode! You and your creativity, your deepest being. I am here, with my knowledge and experience, to welcome and witness you as you discover the healing beauty of the voice.
Phone: +39 3291593319


Italian translation


Paola Benvenga – Venezia, Italia

Che tu possa essere chiamato dalla Voce di Dio dentro di te. Che tu sia chiamato dalla Guida che ha sempre vissuto dentro di te, quando sei stato felice e quando ti sei perso. Possa tu sentire la necessità di esprimere la tua verità e di spezzare le tue catene. Che tu possa far esplodere il tuo vulcano! Tu e la tua creatività, il tuo essere più profondo. Io sono qui, con la mia conoscenza ed esperienza, per accogliervi e testimoniarvi mentre scoprite la bellezza curativa della voce.

Telefono: +39 3291593319

Email: paola.benvenga@gmail.com




Paola Riccobon – Forli, ITALY

The voice is a multi-dimensional tool, which links all of our realities: when our heart is open, our purpose is clear and our intention is pristine, we can expand and reach our ultimate power and open up to our full potential. Through individual sessions I will be happy to take you along this wonderful path of further knowledge of yourselves and of your whole expression. For me too this is a continuous and extraordinary discovery as well as a healing path.
Phone: 00 39 0543 31449
Phone: 00 39 335 467099
Email: riccobon.paola@gmail.com
Facebook: Centro di Terapie del Corpo


Italian translation


Paola Riccobon – Forlì, ITALIA

La voce è uno strumento multidimensionale, che collega tutte le nostre realtà: quando il nostro cuore è aperto, il nostro scopo è chiaro e la nostra intenzione è incontaminata, possiamo espandere e raggiungere il nostro potere ultimo e aprirci al nostro pieno potenziale. Attraverso sessioni individuali sarò lieto di accompagnarvi in questo meraviglioso percorso di conoscenza di voi stessi e di tutta la vostra espressione. Anche per me questa è una scoperta continua e straordinaria, oltre che un percorso di guarigione.

Telefono: 00 39 0543 31449

Telefono: 00 39 335 467099

Email: riccobon.paola@gmail.com

Facebook: Centro di Terapie del Corpo




Renate Lechler – Florence, Italy

Languages: German, Italian, English.

In order to reclaim our power, we have to lose our fear and transform our gloom into light! We were born as light beings. Through Soul Voice® I will help you remember your original form and power that is inside of you! Open yourself to this transformation and without doubt, you will be open to the light that is coming. I offer individual sessions in the Orbs garden or Harmonious room at my place in the Tuscan countryside near Florence.

Phone : 0039 055 8361351

Cell: 0039 333 1607702

Web: www.renatelechler.net

Web: www.renjuliane.net (German and some English)


Italian translation


Renate Lechler – Firenze, Italia

Lingue: Tedesco, italiano, inglese.

Per recuperare il nostro potere, dobbiamo perdere la paura e trasformare la nostra oscurità in luce! Siamo nati come esseri di luce. Attraverso Soul Voice® vi aiuterò a ricordare la vostra forma originale e il potere che è dentro di voi! Apritevi a questa trasformazione e senza dubbio sarete aperti alla luce che sta arrivando. Offro sessioni individuali nel giardino delle Orbs o nella Harmonious room nella mia casa nella campagna toscana vicino a Firenze.

Phone : 0039 055 8361351

Cell: 0039 333 1607702

Web: www.renatelechler.net

Web: www.renjuliane.net (Tedesco e un po’ d’inglese)



Salvatore Belfiore – Catanzaro, Italy
I can help you to listen and recognize your true divine nature. I found myself, like you, looking for something that was able to channel all the energy I had inside… Soul Voice® is that something! Stop procrastinating! Your voice is the magic key to access what you have always wanted and wished for… “Just” LEAP! Remember, you won’t be alone… I’m here to support you. Book a private session in Italian or English, also via Skype. 
Phone: + 380 2560636
Email: cagliostro_80@hotmail.it


Italian translation


Salvatore Belfiore – Catanzaro, Italia

Posso aiutarvi ad ascoltare e a riconoscere la vostra vera natura divina. Mi sono trovato, come te, a cercare qualcosa che fosse in grado di canalizzare tutta l’energia che avevo dentro… Soul Voice® è quel qualcosa! Smettila di procrastinare! La tua voce è la chiave magica per accedere a ciò che hai sempre voluto e desiderato… “Solo” LEAP! Ricorda, non sarai solo… Sono qui per sostenerti. Prenota una sessione privata in italiano o in inglese, anche via Skype.

Telefono: + 380 2560636

Email: cagliostro_80@hotmail.it




Simona Bandini – Santa Sofia (FC), ITALY

Sessions in Italian, English & Spanish.
Mother Nature has given us such a powerful tool to set us free: the sound of our voice. We were born to ride every emotion in full expression of ourselves. Every moment is the right one to choose to find yourself, to reconnect with life, to walk with joy & abundance, finding in each step the love for oneself. We have the opportunity to leave a unique impression in this world. My intention is to support you in this wonderful journey.
Phone: +39 3341959498
Email: bandinisimona71@gmail.com


Italian translation


Simona Bandini – Santa Sofia (FC), ITALIA

Sessioni in italiano, inglese e spagnolo.

Madre Natura ci ha dato uno strumento così potente per liberarci: il suono della nostra voce. Siamo nati per cavalcare ogni emozione in piena espressione di noi stessi. Ogni momento è quello giusto per scegliere di ritrovare se stessi, di riconnettersi con la vita, di camminare con gioia e abbondanza, trovando in ogni passo l’amore per se stessi. Abbiamo l’opportunità di lasciare un’impressione unica in questo mondo. La mia intenzione è di sostenervi in questo meraviglioso viaggio.

Telefono: +39 3341959498

Email: bandinisimona71@gmail.com




Viria Romagnoli – Forli, Italy

Sessions in Italian and English.
There is only one way to change the world around you and it is through changing the world within you. So if you are ready to make a wonderful journey, discovering your own unique voice, healing old wounds and assisting you to shine free, call me and we can make things happen. Your voice is the key to the change.
Phone: +39 3391398081
Email: info@cerchiodiarmonia.it
Web: www.cerchiodiarmonia.it


Italian translation


Viria Romagnoli – Forlì, Italia

Sessioni in italiano e inglese.

C’è solo un modo per cambiare il mondo che ti circonda ed è quello di cambiare il mondo dentro di te. Quindi, se siete pronti a fare un viaggio meraviglioso, a scoprire la vostra voce unica, a guarire vecchie ferite e ad aiutarvi a risplendere liberi, chiamatemi e possiamo far accadere le cose. La tua voce è la chiave del cambiamento.

Telefono: +39 3391398081

Email: info@cerchiodiarmonia.it

Web: www.cerchiodiarmonia.it





Spanish Practitioner


Olga Currás Freixes – Barcelona, Spain

My goal is to awaken the unbelievable power of our voice & ourselves as human beings! I want to discover, go deeper, practice becoming more authentic, free and spontaneous. I wish people to experience more pleasure in life through connection, trust, surrender, compassion and lots of amazing sounds that help us embody our best intentions. We have the power within to become who we really are and the possibility to live with enthusiasm, freedom and ease! Let’s do it together.
Phone: 0647412492
Email: ocurras@yahoo.es
Web: www.curason.nl


Spanish translation


Olga Currás Freixes – Barcelona, España

Mi objetivo es despertar el increíble poder de nuestra voz y de nosotros mismos como seres humanos! Quiero descubrir, profundizar, practicar volviéndome más auténtico, libre y espontáneo. Deseo que la gente experimente más placer en la vida a través de la conexión, la confianza, la entrega, la compasión y muchos sonidos sorprendentes que nos ayuden a encarnar nuestras mejores intenciones. Tenemos el poder interior de convertirnos en lo que realmente somos y la posibilidad de vivir con entusiasmo, libertad y facilidad! Hagámoslo juntos.

Teléfono: 0647412492

Correo electrónico: ocurras@yahoo.es

Web: www.curason.nl




Swedish Practitioner


Maria Redig – Stockholm, Sweden

It’s hard to put words on all feelings, experiences and pain and to use the whole body to breathe and be present. With the Soul Voice® method it’s possible to work through physical pain and memories with breath, movement and vocal expression. An important ingredient is to play and have fun. The best medicine for trust & courage is a good laugh which brings hope & light. I look forward to supporting you on your path to become the shining star you are!
Phone: +46 708286360
Email: maria@lifecreation.se
Web: www.lifecreation.se





Swiss Practitioners


Hedwig Ploechl – Zurich, Switzerland

Breathe – sound – alive – loving. With my sounds I can connect with every cell of my physical body and the emotional and subtle level. With sounds I release blockages, stuckness and bring emotions back to aliveness and lightness. I am excited to support you on your path with this unique healing method. Sessions in German & English, in person or online.

Phone: +41 79 625 86 17

Email: hedwig.ploechl@praxisheilkraft.ch

Website: www.praxisheilkraft.ch


German translation


Hedwig Ploechl – Zurich, Switzerland

Atme – töne – lebendig – liebevoll. Mit meinen Tönen kann ich mit jeder Zelle meines physischen Körpers und jeder emotionalen und feinstofflichen Ebene in Verbindung gehen. Mit Tönen bringe ich Blockaden, Emotionen wieder in die Lebendigkeit und Leichtigkeit. Gerne begleite ich dich mit dieser einzigartigen Heilmethode auf deinem Weg. Sessions sind in deutsch und englisch, persönlich oder online möglich.

Phone: +41 79 625 86 17

Email: hedwig.ploechl@praxisheilkraft.ch

Website: www.praxisheilkraft.ch



Heide Oldewurtel – Switzerland

Soul Voice® helps me find home within myself in every moment of my life. When body, mind and spirit vibrate in coherence, I feel whole and peacefully connected to myself and everything else. My voice guides me, like a compass through my being, enabling deeper understanding, healing hurts and creating space for reorientation. Grateful for my own self development, I would like to accompany other people on their way to a more fulfilling life.

Phone: 0041- (0)79 242 87 14

Email: heideoldewurtel@gmail.com


German translation


Heide Oldewurtel – Switzerland

Soul Voice® hilft mir in jedem Moment meines Lebens Heimat in mir zu finden. Wenn Körper, Geist und Seele in Einklang schwingen, fühle ich mich ganz und mit mir und allem friedvoll verbunden. Meine Stimme führt mich wie ein Kompass durch mein Sein, ermöglicht vertieftes Verstehen, heilt Verletzungen und schafft Raum für Neuorientierung. Dankbar für meine eigene Selbstentwicklung möchte ich gerne andere Menschen auf dem Weg in ein erfüllteres Leben begleiten.

Phone: 0041- (0)79 242 87 14

Email: heideoldewurtel@gmail.com



Miriam Helle – Zurich, Switzerland
Languages: German, English, Italian

Let’s listen inside and discover our individual voice, the voice which touches our soul as our soul touches the world! To give your own body space, through conscious breathing. To activate the creative force through sound and movement. To find the innermost expression through Soul Voice® work. I will support you on your journey. Creatively, directly, and deeply.

Phone: +41 78 788 68 07
Email: stimmt@miriamhelle.ch
Web: www.miriamhelle.ch

Film – der klang der stimme    


German translation


Miriam Helle – Zurich, Switzerland
Languages: German, English, Italian

Lauschen wir nach innen und entdecken wir unsere individuelle Stimme, die Stimme, die unsere Seele berührt, so wie unsere Seele die Welt berührt! Dem eigenen Körper Raum geben, durch bewusstes Atmen. Die kreative Kraft durch Klang und Bewegung zu aktivieren. Den innersten Ausdruck durch Soul Voice® Arbeit zu finden. Ich unterstütze Sie auf Ihrem Weg. Kreativ, direkt und tief.

Phone: +41 78 788 68 07
Email: stimmt@miriamhelle.ch
Web: www.miriamhelle.ch

Film – der klang der stimme    




Sabina Ruhstaller – St. Gallen, Switzerland

Languages: German, English, French
With Sounding we can express everything that is within us. Our voice helps us to effectively release blockages and old patterns and to develop our true potential. I experience this both with my clients and for myself. I am passionate to support you on your way to understand yourself, to love yourself and to gain access to your unique strength. I offer you a safe space and accompany you mindfully and empathetically with my presence and life experience. Online sessions possible.

Phone: +41 71 260 20 40

Email: s.ruhstaller@bluewin.ch

Web:   www.sabinaruhstaller.ch

Facebook:     https://www.facebook.com/RuhstallerSabina/


German translation


Sabina Ruhstaller – St. Gallen, Switzerland

Languages: German, English, French
Mit unserer Stimme können wir allem Ausdruck geben, was in uns ist. Sie hilft uns effektiv, Blockaden und alte Muster zu lösen und unser wahres Potential zu entfalten. Das erfahre ich sowohl im Begleiten meiner KlientInnen wie auch für mich selbst. Ich unterstütze dich auf deinem Weg, dich selbst zu verstehen, dich selbst zu lieben und Zugang zu deiner Kraft zu erhalten. Ich biete dir einen sicheren Raum und begleite dich achtsam und einfühlsam mit meiner Präsenz und Lebenserfahrung.

Phone: +41 71 260 20 40

Email: s.ruhstaller@bluewin.ch

Web:   www.sabinaruhstaller.ch

Facebook:     https://www.facebook.com/RuhstallerSabina/



Sandy Rotach – Zurich, Switzerland 
Through the Soul Voice® method, I found a way to release my unspoken words and hidden treasures. I will help you to hear your soul essence and to express it with your voice. Let’s feel whole and free!
Phone: 0041 78 885 08 09
Email: sandy-rotach@bluewin.ch



Veronique Dutli – Zurich, Switzerland

Through Soul Voice® I learned to free myself from blockages that I had carried around for decades. I have become more grounded, present and compassionate. This gives me so much hope! I am extremely motivated to share this gift with you. Just imagine if every human being could free themselves from everything that is blocking them and thus live their full potential. I am sure that in such a world we could finally live in peace. This is the vision I live for.

Phone: +41 79 791 61 25

Email: info@eingestimmt.ch

Web: www.eingestimmt.ch/


German translation


Veronique Dutli – Zurich, Switzerland

Durch Soul Voice® habe ich gelernt, mich von Blockaden zu befreien, die ich jahrzehntelang mit mir herumgetragen hatte. Ich bin geerdeter, präsenter und mitfühlender geworden. Das gibt mir so viel Hoffnung! Ich bin extrem motiviert, dieses Geschenk mit dir zu teilen. Stell dir vor, jeder Mensch könnte sich von allem befreien, was ihn blockiert, und so sein volles Potenzial leben. Ich bin sicher, dass wir in einer solchen Welt endlich in Frieden leben könnten. Das ist die Vision, für die ich lebe.

Phone: +41 79 791 61 25

Email: info@eingestimmt.ch

Web: www.eingestimmt.ch/






Adelgunde Müller – Italy
All’inizio può sembrare poco familiare, ma una volta che hai iniziato a usare la voce per affrontare emozioni spiacevoli o dolorose e situazioni irrisolte, conoscerai la profondità e l’efficienza di questa modalità. Rivelare gli strati che sono stati accumulati in passato ti libererà dagli schemi negativi abituali e quindi cambierà per sempre la tua vita. Il metodo Soul Voice® comprende diverse tecniche che io, in qualità di professionista certificata, utilizzerò con sensibilità e intuizione a seconda delle tue esigenze personali.

Phone: 0039 331 1060 263
Email: info@adelgunde.com


ANNA GIAROLI – Parma, Italy

I offer consultancies for the Expression of own Potential & Well-Being &  accompany other people to reconnect & express the immense potential of energy, vitality & health which resides within them. With Soul Voice® you use the voice to transform a physical or emotional discomfort, or a pattern of behavior that you want to let go, giving space to the most vital, free and intuitive part of being. The result is extraordinary! Come & experiment.

Telephone:  +39 3283730900
Email: ag@annagiaroli.it

Website: www.annagiaroli.it
Facebook: www.facebook.com/GiaroliAnna/


Italian translation


ANNA GIAROLI – Parma, Italy

Offro consulenze per l’Espressione del Potenziale e il Benessere e accompagno altre persone a ricontattare ed esprimere l’immenso potenziale di energia, vitalità e salute che risiede in loro stesse. Col Soul Voice® si utilizza la voce per trasformare un disagio fisico o emotivo, o uno schema di comportamento che si vuole lasciare andare, dando spazio alla parte più vitale, libera e intuitiva dell’essere. Il risultato è straordinario! Vieni a sperimentare.

Telephone:  +39 3283730900
Email: ag@annagiaroli.it

Website: www.annagiaroli.it
Facebook: www.facebook.com/GiaroliAnna/


Carmencita Catania – Sicily
For 35 years I have dedicated myself to working and supporting children and their mothers. Through the Soul Voice® Method I will assist you in recognizing your own power and assets; to accept and use them in your daily life. I will support the vital force within you with love and empathy! I am available for individual sessions and groups; in schools, communities or wherever there is need. Contact me to work with your children.
Phone: 334 8727143
Email: Carmencita_7@hotmail.it


Italian translation

Carmencita Catania – Sicily

Per 35 anni mi sono dedicata a lavorare e sostenere i bambini e le loro madri. Attraverso il Metodo Soul Voice® ti assisterò nel riconoscere il tuo potere e le tue risorse; per accettarle e usarle nella tua vita quotidiana. Sosterrò la forza vitale dentro di te con amore ed empatia! Sono disponibile per sessioni individuali e di gruppo; nelle scuole, nelle comunità o ovunque ci sia bisogno. Contattatemi per lavorare con i vostri bambini.
Phone: 334 8727143
Email: Carmencita_7@hotmail.it


Gianluca Franchini – Italy, Cesenatico

Becoming a Certified Soul Voice® Practitioner has been my biggest achievement through listening to my heart. Soul Voice® helped me to feel the power of my heart, to realize my dreams, to express my greatest talent; MY VOICE, and be free to be what I am with joy and love. I would love to help you discover the power of your voice, to express yourself fully, to love, to sing, to enjoy life and live it to light your real dreams and desires.
Phone: 00 39 370 3149126
Email: gfranchini01@gmail.com
Facebook: Gianluca Franchini-Dai Voce alle Tue Emozioni
Web Site: www.gianlcafranchini.com


Italian translation

Gianluca Franchini – Italia, Cesenatico

Diventare un Certified Soul Voice® Practitioner è stato il mio più grande risultato attraverso l’ascolto del mio cuore. Soul Voice® mi ha aiutato a sentire la forza del mio cuore, a realizzare i miei sogni, a esprimere il mio più grande talento; la MIA VOCE, e ad essere libero di essere ciò che sono con gioia e amore. Mi piacerebbe aiutarti a scoprire il potere della tua voce, ad esprimerti pienamente, ad amare, a cantare, a goderti la vita e a viverla per illuminare i tuoi veri sogni e desideri.

Telefono: 00 39 370 3149126

Email: gfranchini01@gmail.com

Facebook: Gianluca Franchini-Dai Voce alle Tue Emozioni

Sito web: www.gianlcafranchini.com


Lucia Minichiello – Carpi (MO), Italia

I discovered my voice during a Soul Voice® workshop. The voice is a tool we have at our fingertips and we underestimate its power. It is natural and sometimes magical at the same time. This method helps us to change, to use our voice as a guide and tool for deep inner listening that is simple, true and effective. Allow yourself to give free rein to your unexpressed emotions by breaking down the many walls we unconsciously create for ourselves.

Phone: +39 328 4484935

Email: minilucia66@gmail.com


Italian translation


Lucia Minichiello – Carpi (MO), Italia

Ho scoperto  la mia voce durante  un seminario di Soul Voice®. La voce è uno strumento che tutti noi abbiamo a portata di mano. Sottostimiamo il suo potere, come spesso anche di noi stessi. È qualcosa di naturale ed a volte magico insieme. Questo metodo ci aiuta a cambiare, ad usare la nostra voce come guida e come strumento per un ascolto interiore profondo ed al contempo semplice, vero ed efficace. Permettiti di dare libero sfogo alle tue emozioni inespresse abbattendo i molti muri che ci creiamo inconsciamente.

Phone: +39 328 4484935

Email: minilucia66@gmail.com


Maria Cristina Franzoni – Italy

My job is about taking care of the whole well-being of the person. My passion is to support the developmental process that is the fundamental impulse of the human being. For this reason, among the several educations with which I built my professional path, the use of Voice with the Soul Voice® method occupies a main role. With joy, skill & respect I offer the acquired knowledge I receive, always updated, to light up resources and potentialities not already expressed.

Phone: +39 328 044 8047

Website: www.lasceltadiessere.it

Facebook: Maria Cristina Franzoni-la scelta di essere

Linkedin: Maria Cristina Franzoni

Instagram: Maria Stella Cristina


Italian translation

Maria Cristina Franzoni – Italy

Mi occupo del benessere della persona a tutto tondo. La mia passione è valorizzare il processo evolutivo che caratterizza l’impulso vitale dell’essere umano. Per questo tra le molteplici formazioni con cui ho costruito il mio percorso professionale, la voce con il metodo Soul Voice® continua ad occupare un ruolo fondamentale. Con gioia, professionalità e rispetto offro le competenze che ho acquisito, e che aggiorno cotinuamente, per illuminare risorse e potenzialità non ancora espresse.

Phone: +39 328 044 8047

Website: www.lasceltadiessere.it

Facebook: Maria Cristina Franzoni-la scelta di essere

Linkedin: Maria Cristina Franzoni

Instagram: Maria Stella Cristina


Maria Gisella Locatelli – Carpi (MO), Italy

Sessions in Italian & English

The voice does not lie, it goes beyond. After 20 years of research & practicing various techniques, Soul Voice® is the most direct & effective method to achieve the hidden truths within & leads, through authenticity, to reconnect with our deeper self. In a Soul Voice® session, you can work physically & emotionally in a safe environment. I will guide you, both in person and online, to unchain what holds you back. Give yourself a chance!

Email: kumanisoulvoice@gmail.com

Website: www.kumani.it

Facebook Page: Kumani – Maria Gisella Locatelli


Italian translation

Maria Gisella Locatelli – Carpi (MO), Italy

Sessions in Italian & English

La voce non mente, va oltre. Dopo 20 anni di ricerca e pratica di varie tecniche, Soul Voice® è il metodo più diretto ed efficace per raggiungere le verità nascoste dentro di sé e porta, attraverso l’autenticità, a riconnettersi con il nostro sé più profondo. In una sessione di Soul Voice® si può lavorare fisicamente ed emotivamente in un ambiente sicuro. Vi guiderò, sia di persona che online, a liberare ciò che vi trattiene. Datevi una possibilità!

Email: kumanisoulvoice@gmail.com

Website: www.kumani.it

Facebook Page: Kumani – Maria Gisella Locatelli


Maria Rosa Piraino – Milan, Italy
Forgiveness, acceptance & letting go of false attachments that tie down Soul that would like to fly on the resonant waves of the existence: this happened in my consciousness working with the Soul Voice® method. I discovered that my voice is the resonance that reconnects me to all, beyond dimensions. I am ready to help you, with love, so that you can find your inner sound to live a full and real life.
Phone: +39 3357608946
Email: pirainomariarosa@virgilio.it


Italian translation


Maria Rosa Piraino – Milazzo, Italia

Il perdono, l’accettazione e il lasciar andare i falsi attaccamenti che legano l’Anima che vorrebbe volare sulle onde risonanti dell’esistenza: questo è successo nella mia coscienza lavorando con il metodo Soul Voice®. Ho scoperto che la mia voce è la risonanza che mi ricollega a tutti, al di là delle dimensioni. Sono pronto ad aiutarvi, con amore, affinché possiate trovare il vostro suono interiore per vivere una vita piena e reale.

Telefono: +39 3357608946

Email: pirainomariarosa@virgilio.it


Paola Benvenga – Venice, Italy
May you be called by the Voice of God inside you. May you be called by the Guidance that has always lived within you, when you’ve been happy and when you’ve been lost. May you feel the necessity to express your truth and break your chains. May you let your volcano explode! You and your creativity, your deepest being. I am here, with my knowledge and experience, to welcome and witness you as you discover the healing beauty of the voice.
Phone: +39 3291593319
Email: paola.benvenga@gmail.com


Italian translation


Paola Benvenga – Venezia, Italia

Che tu possa essere chiamato dalla Voce di Dio dentro di te. Che tu sia chiamato dalla Guida che ha sempre vissuto dentro di te, quando sei stato felice e quando ti sei perso. Possa tu sentire la necessità di esprimere la tua verità e di spezzare le tue catene. Che tu possa far esplodere il tuo vulcano! Tu e la tua creatività, il tuo essere più profondo. Io sono qui, con la mia conoscenza ed esperienza, per accogliervi e testimoniarvi mentre scoprite la bellezza curativa della voce.

Telefono: +39 3291593319

Email: paola.benvenga@gmail.com


Paola Riccobon – Forli, ITALY

The voice is a multi-dimensional tool, which links all of our realities: when our heart is open, our purpose is clear and our intention is pristine, we can expand and reach our ultimate power and open up to our full potential. Through individual sessions I will be happy to take you along this wonderful path of further knowledge of yourselves and of your whole expression. For me too this is a continuous and extraordinary discovery as well as a healing path.
Phone: 00 39 0543 31449
Phone: 00 39 335 467099
Email: riccobon.paola@gmail.com
Facebook: Centro di Terapie del Corpo


Italian translation


Paola Riccobon – Forlì, ITALIA

La voce è uno strumento multidimensionale, che collega tutte le nostre realtà: quando il nostro cuore è aperto, il nostro scopo è chiaro e la nostra intenzione è incontaminata, possiamo espandere e raggiungere il nostro potere ultimo e aprirci al nostro pieno potenziale. Attraverso sessioni individuali sarò lieto di accompagnarvi in questo meraviglioso percorso di conoscenza di voi stessi e di tutta la vostra espressione. Anche per me questa è una scoperta continua e straordinaria, oltre che un percorso di guarigione.

Telefono: 00 39 0543 31449

Telefono: 00 39 335 467099

Email: riccobon.paola@gmail.com

Facebook: Centro di Terapie del Corpo


Renate Lechler – Florence, Italy

Languages: German, Italian, English.

In order to reclaim our power, we have to lose our fear and transform our gloom into light! We were born as light beings. Through Soul Voice® I will help you remember your original form and power that is inside of you! Open yourself to this transformation and without doubt, you will be open to the light that is coming. I offer individual sessions in the Orbs garden or Harmonious room at my place in the Tuscan countryside near Florence.

Phone : 0039 055 8361351

Cell: 0039 333 1607702

Web: www.renatelechler.net

Web: www.renjuliane.net (German and some English)


Italian translation


Renate Lechler – Firenze, Italia

Lingue: Tedesco, italiano, inglese.

Per recuperare il nostro potere, dobbiamo perdere la paura e trasformare la nostra oscurità in luce! Siamo nati come esseri di luce. Attraverso Soul Voice® vi aiuterò a ricordare la vostra forma originale e il potere che è dentro di voi! Apritevi a questa trasformazione e senza dubbio sarete aperti alla luce che sta arrivando. Offro sessioni individuali nel giardino delle Orbs o nella Harmonious room nella mia casa nella campagna toscana vicino a Firenze.

Phone : 0039 055 8361351

Cell: 0039 333 1607702

Web: www.renatelechler.net

Web: www.renjuliane.net (Tedesco e un po’ d’inglese)


Salvatore Belfiore – Catanzaro, Italy
I can help you to listen and recognize your true divine nature. I found myself, like you, looking for something that was able to channel all the energy I had inside… Soul Voice® is that something! Stop procrastinating! Your voice is the magic key to access what you have always wanted and wished for… “Just” LEAP! Remember, you won’t be alone… I’m here to support you. Book a private session in Italian or English, also via Skype. 
Phone: + 380 2560636
Email: cagliostro_80@hotmail.it


Italian translation


Salvatore Belfiore – Catanzaro, Italia

Posso aiutarvi ad ascoltare e a riconoscere la vostra vera natura divina. Mi sono trovato, come te, a cercare qualcosa che fosse in grado di canalizzare tutta l’energia che avevo dentro… Soul Voice® è quel qualcosa! Smettila di procrastinare! La tua voce è la chiave magica per accedere a ciò che hai sempre voluto e desiderato… “Solo” LEAP! Ricorda, non sarai solo… Sono qui per sostenerti. Prenota una sessione privata in italiano o in inglese, anche via Skype.

Telefono: + 380 2560636

Email: cagliostro_80@hotmail.it


Simona Bandini – Santa Sofia (FC), ITALY

Sessions in Italian, English & Spanish.
Mother Nature has given us such a powerful tool to set us free: the sound of our voice. We were born to ride every emotion in full expression of ourselves. Every moment is the right one to choose to find yourself, to reconnect with life, to walk with joy & abundance, finding in each step the love for oneself. We have the opportunity to leave a unique impression in this world. My intention is to support you in this wonderful journey.
Phone: +39 3341959498
Email: bandinisimona71@gmail.com


Italian translation


Simona Bandini – Santa Sofia (FC), ITALIA

Sessioni in italiano, inglese e spagnolo.

Madre Natura ci ha dato uno strumento così potente per liberarci: il suono della nostra voce. Siamo nati per cavalcare ogni emozione in piena espressione di noi stessi. Ogni momento è quello giusto per scegliere di ritrovare se stessi, di riconnettersi con la vita, di camminare con gioia e abbondanza, trovando in ogni passo l’amore per se stessi. Abbiamo l’opportunità di lasciare un’impressione unica in questo mondo. La mia intenzione è di sostenervi in questo meraviglioso viaggio.

Telefono: +39 3341959498

Email: bandinisimona71@gmail.com


Viria Romagnoli – Forli, Italy

Sessions in Italian and English.
There is only one way to change the world around you and it is through changing the world within you. So if you are ready to make a wonderful journey, discovering your own unique voice, healing old wounds and assisting you to shine free, call me and we can make things happen. Your voice is the key to the change.
Phone: +39 3391398081
Email: info@cerchiodiarmonia.it
Web: www.cerchiodiarmonia.it


Italian translation


Viria Romagnoli – Forlì, Italia

Sessioni in italiano e inglese.

C’è solo un modo per cambiare il mondo che ti circonda ed è quello di cambiare il mondo dentro di te. Quindi, se siete pronti a fare un viaggio meraviglioso, a scoprire la vostra voce unica, a guarire vecchie ferite e ad aiutarvi a risplendere liberi, chiamatemi e possiamo far accadere le cose. La tua voce è la chiave del cambiamento.

Telefono: +39 3391398081

Email: info@cerchiodiarmonia.it

Web: www.cerchiodiarmonia.it


Spanish Practitioner


Olga Currás Freixes – Barcelona, Spain

My goal is to awaken the unbelievable power of our voice & ourselves as human beings! I want to discover, go deeper, practice becoming more authentic, free and spontaneous. I wish people to experience more pleasure in life through connection, trust, surrender, compassion and lots of amazing sounds that help us embody our best intentions. We have the power within to become who we really are and the possibility to live with enthusiasm, freedom and ease! Let’s do it together.
Phone: 0647412492
Email: ocurras@yahoo.es
Web: www.curason.nl


Spanish translation


Olga Currás Freixes – Barcelona, España

Mi objetivo es despertar el increíble poder de nuestra voz y de nosotros mismos como seres humanos! Quiero descubrir, profundizar, practicar volviéndome más auténtico, libre y espontáneo. Deseo que la gente experimente más placer en la vida a través de la conexión, la confianza, la entrega, la compasión y muchos sonidos sorprendentes que nos ayuden a encarnar nuestras mejores intenciones. Tenemos el poder interior de convertirnos en lo que realmente somos y la posibilidad de vivir con entusiasmo, libertad y facilidad! Hagámoslo juntos.

Teléfono: 0647412492

Correo electrónico: ocurras@yahoo.es

Web: www.curason.nl


Swedish Practitioner


Maria Redig – Stockholm, Sweden

It’s hard to put words on all feelings, experiences and pain and to use the whole body to breathe and be present. With the Soul Voice® method it’s possible to work through physical pain and memories with breath, movement and vocal expression. An important ingredient is to play and have fun. The best medicine for trust & courage is a good laugh which brings hope & light. I look forward to supporting you on your path to become the shining star you are!
Phone: +46 708286360
Email: maria@lifecreation.se
Web: www.lifecreation.se



Swiss Practitioners


Hedwig Ploechl – Zurich, Switzerland

Breathe – sound – alive – loving. With my sounds I can connect with every cell of my physical body and the emotional and subtle level. With sounds I release blockages, stuckness and bring emotions back to aliveness and lightness. I am excited to support you on your path with this unique healing method. Sessions in German & English, in person or online.

Phone: +41 79 625 86 17

Email: hedwig.ploechl@praxisheilkraft.ch

Website: www.praxisheilkraft.ch


German translation


Hedwig Ploechl – Zurich, Switzerland

Atme – töne – lebendig – liebevoll. Mit meinen Tönen kann ich mit jeder Zelle meines physischen Körpers und jeder emotionalen und feinstofflichen Ebene in Verbindung gehen. Mit Tönen bringe ich Blockaden, Emotionen wieder in die Lebendigkeit und Leichtigkeit. Gerne begleite ich dich mit dieser einzigartigen Heilmethode auf deinem Weg. Sessions sind in deutsch und englisch, persönlich oder online möglich.

Phone: +41 79 625 86 17

Email: hedwig.ploechl@praxisheilkraft.ch

Website: www.praxisheilkraft.ch


Heide Oldewurtel – Switzerland

Soul Voice® helps me find home within myself in every moment of my life. When body, mind and spirit vibrate in coherence, I feel whole and peacefully connected to myself and everything else. My voice guides me, like a compass through my being, enabling deeper understanding, healing hurts and creating space for reorientation. Grateful for my own self development, I would like to accompany other people on their way to a more fulfilling life.

Phone: 0041- (0)79 242 87 14

Email: heideoldewurtel@gmail.com


German translation


Heide Oldewurtel – Switzerland

Soul Voice® hilft mir in jedem Moment meines Lebens Heimat in mir zu finden. Wenn Körper, Geist und Seele in Einklang schwingen, fühle ich mich ganz und mit mir und allem friedvoll verbunden. Meine Stimme führt mich wie ein Kompass durch mein Sein, ermöglicht vertieftes Verstehen, heilt Verletzungen und schafft Raum für Neuorientierung. Dankbar für meine eigene Selbstentwicklung möchte ich gerne andere Menschen auf dem Weg in ein erfüllteres Leben begleiten.

Phone: 0041- (0)79 242 87 14

Email: heideoldewurtel@gmail.com


Miriam Helle – Zurich, Switzerland
Languages: German, English, Italian

Let’s listen inside and discover our individual voice, the voice which touches our soul as our soul touches the world! To give your own body space, through conscious breathing. To activate the creative force through sound and movement. To find the innermost expression through Soul Voice® work. I will support you on your journey. Creatively, directly, and deeply.

Phone: +41 78 788 68 07
Email: stimmt@miriamhelle.ch
Web: www.miriamhelle.ch

Film – der klang der stimme    


German translation


Miriam Helle – Zurich, Switzerland
Languages: German, English, Italian

Lauschen wir nach innen und entdecken wir unsere individuelle Stimme, die Stimme, die unsere Seele berührt, so wie unsere Seele die Welt berührt! Dem eigenen Körper Raum geben, durch bewusstes Atmen. Die kreative Kraft durch Klang und Bewegung zu aktivieren. Den innersten Ausdruck durch Soul Voice® Arbeit zu finden. Ich unterstütze Sie auf Ihrem Weg. Kreativ, direkt und tief.

Phone: +41 78 788 68 07
Email: stimmt@miriamhelle.ch
Web: www.miriamhelle.ch

Film – der klang der stimme    



Sabina Ruhstaller – St. Gallen, Switzerland

Languages: German, English, French
With Sounding we can express everything that is within us. Our voice helps us to effectively release blockages and old patterns and to develop our true potential. I experience this both with my clients and for myself. I am passionate to support you on your way to understand yourself, to love yourself and to gain access to your unique strength. I offer you a safe space and accompany you mindfully and empathetically with my presence and life experience. Online sessions possible.

Phone: +41 71 260 20 40

Email: s.ruhstaller@bluewin.ch

Web:   www.sabinaruhstaller.ch

Facebook:     https://www.facebook.com/RuhstallerSabina/


German translation


Sabina Ruhstaller – St. Gallen, Switzerland

Languages: German, English, French
Mit unserer Stimme können wir allem Ausdruck geben, was in uns ist. Sie hilft uns effektiv, Blockaden und alte Muster zu lösen und unser wahres Potential zu entfalten. Das erfahre ich sowohl im Begleiten meiner KlientInnen wie auch für mich selbst. Ich unterstütze dich auf deinem Weg, dich selbst zu verstehen, dich selbst zu lieben und Zugang zu deiner Kraft zu erhalten. Ich biete dir einen sicheren Raum und begleite dich achtsam und einfühlsam mit meiner Präsenz und Lebenserfahrung.

Phone: +41 71 260 20 40

Email: s.ruhstaller@bluewin.ch

Web:   www.sabinaruhstaller.ch

Facebook:     https://www.facebook.com/RuhstallerSabina/


Sandy Rotach – Zurich, Switzerland 
Through the Soul Voice® method, I found a way to release my unspoken words and hidden treasures. I will help you to hear your soul essence and to express it with your voice. Let’s feel whole and free!
Phone: 0041 78 885 08 09
Email: sandy-rotach@bluewin.ch


Veronique Dutli – Zurich, Switzerland

Through Soul Voice® I learned to free myself from blockages that I had carried around for decades. I have become more grounded, present and compassionate. This gives me so much hope! I am extremely motivated to share this gift with you. Just imagine if every human being could free themselves from everything that is blocking them and thus live their full potential. I am sure that in such a world we could finally live in peace. This is the vision I live for.

Phone: +41 79 791 61 25

Email: info@eingestimmt.ch

Web: www.eingestimmt.ch/


German translation


Veronique Dutli – Zurich, Switzerland

Durch Soul Voice® habe ich gelernt, mich von Blockaden zu befreien, die ich jahrzehntelang mit mir herumgetragen hatte. Ich bin geerdeter, präsenter und mitfühlender geworden. Das gibt mir so viel Hoffnung! Ich bin extrem motiviert, dieses Geschenk mit dir zu teilen. Stell dir vor, jeder Mensch könnte sich von allem befreien, was ihn blockiert, und so sein volles Potenzial leben. Ich bin sicher, dass wir in einer solchen Welt endlich in Frieden leben könnten. Das ist die Vision, für die ich lebe.

Phone: +41 79 791 61 25

Email: info@eingestimmt.ch

Web: www.eingestimmt.ch/