The passion of our life calling and true selves is often hidden by layers of life experience. Soul Voice® is life changing and, through sessions, we can release pain & trauma, enabling us to interact more deeply with life and our life choices. Using the voice supports us to discover joy and fulfilment & enrich our life with the discovery of our authentic selves. Join me on a journey of healing and self-discovery in a safe & fun environment.
Discover how to express your truth beyond words… creating your own unique symphony of sound. Together we can transform your world into one of awe & magic! You will liberate your healing powers and reconnect with your divine sacred resonance. Let go of those old stories that do not serve your highest aspirations and allow your magnificence to shine. Through understanding, compassionate and supportive guidance, we will re-ignite the passion for your life’s yearning and feel truly alive. Mobile: +64 21 380081