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New: 3 CD Set

On USB with cover

Chakra Sound Healing & Heart Songs

Vocals Karina Schelde

A Pure Sound healing (pure vocals), with extraordinary sounds and overtone chanting. Journey through the 7 chakras in your own body, from song #2 to song #8, and receive a direct Chakra sound healing alignment.

Listen to an excerpt

The Song of the Soul

Vocals Karina Schelde ~ Instruments Lucjan. Flute, sitar, guitar, tablas and other percussion played by Lucyan Wesolowsky.
Amidst the dreamy, mysterious & entrancing music of Lucyan, Karina calls forth
the spirits of heaven and earth with her shamanic voice.

Listen to an excerpt

Deep Soul Meditation & Rainbow Relaxation

Composed & guided by Karina Schelde
In this absolute silence of relaxation & meditation there is a pure consciousness of deep peace, a sense of coming home to oneself. Rest assured, as you allow the sense of ‘sweet surrender’ to guide you on your inner journey. 

Listen to an excerpt